Chapter 221: Extinguished

Todays Sword Discourse Arena was filled with a peculiar kind of atmosphere. Especially members of the Burning Heaven Clan; their complexions were all quite unsightly.

The first match of the Quarterfinals was Yun Che versus Fen Juebi. Although Yun Che had surprised people time and time again in every one of his previous matches, to the majority of the audience, this competition was still not suspenseful at all. It wasnt because they still held Yun Che in contempt after being shocked again and again, rather, it was because the image of the Four Major Sects prime positions had long since been deeply ingrained.

“You must win this match no matter what! Yuange was defeated by Frozen Cloud Asgards Xia Qingyue, and Jiner had the misfortune of going up against Ling Yun. Out of all of us, the one remaining that entered the Quarterfinals, is only you! Looks like, in this session, the fact that we are still ranked fourth out of the Four Major Sects has essentially been decided. But, if you lose to this Yun Che brat, then we would not even be able to enter the top four and can only rank fifth! For our Burning Heaven Clan, this is an absolutely unacceptable humiliation… You understand?”

Fen Moli said with a heavy expression. In yesterdays Round of 16, Burning Heaven Clans core disciple, his last grandson, Fen Jin, had the misfortune of going against Ling Yun, so he had to leave the stage prematurely. This made him suddenly feel extremely pressured. He could accept being at the bottom of the Four Major Sects rankings, after all, it had basically been that way for all these years. But if they placed outside of fourth place… This was a matter that had not happened for several hundreds of years! It was enough to bring shame to the entire Burning Heaven Clan, so he was absolutely positively unwilling to accept that.

And the first match of the Quarterfinals just happened to be the battle that decided that outcome! If they defeat Yun Che, Burning Heaven Clan would enter the top four, and even placing in the top three would become a possibility. But if they lose…

“Rest assured Great Elder. Coming across anyone of the six people outside of Yun Che and I, would have to make me carefully consider the match. But this Yun Che…” Fen Juebi laughed with extreme disdain: “Trash that completely relied on luck to get here doesnt even have the qualifications to go against me. If I cant even defeat him, then I seriously do not even have the face to continue living.”

Fen Moli nodded his head slowly. Even though the strength that Yun Che had displayed was more shocking than the next, he still had never believed that Fen Juebi could lose. However, his complexion was still as tense as before as he spoke in a low voice: “For you to have such self-confidence is naturally good. You can be confident in yourself but you must not, by any means, be too arrogant! Because that will deceive your eyes. Also, when going against Yun Che, you must not underestimate him. Yesterday, he suddenly revealed a bizarre and unpredictable movement skill that even I did not see through clearly. Not only that, he can also control fire as well, and it cannot be certain that he does not have the ability to restrain our Burning Heaven Fire. The most important thing worthy of careful attention, is that it does not seem like he has completely revealed his true strength… You must be careful!”

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