Chapter 40: Chapter 40 Blood Soaked Jasmine (2)

Cyan Forest Town was located nearly two hundred kilometers west of Floating Cloud City. Although it was located on a remote piece of land, there were quite a number of residents, and occasionally travelers would pass by. This place could be considered a necessary route when traveling from Floating Cloud City to New Moon City.

The scorching sun and the ground covered in cracks because of its rays, made people feel more agitated than usual. At this time, a Group of six people appeared on the streets in town. The first and leading one had a big and intimidating build, carried an one and half meter long bronze machete. His facial features were demonic, and his eyes emitted maliciousness. The ones behind him both wore jackets made of animal skin, wielding swords, knives, maces and various weapons.

Their appearance immediately tensed up the atmosphere on the street. Passerbys all quickly moved to the side of the street, their footsteps also became very cautious as their faces contorted with fear…… Only until these six people entered a small inn in town, were they finally able to feel relieved and left hastily.


The bulky man wearing silver armor slammed the huge machete that was almost as tall as a grown man into the biggest table at the center of the inn, and roared : “This table belongs to this granddaddy now, scram if you dont want to die!”

The four people who were enjoying their drinks were just about to express the rage, however their complexions quickly changed when they saw the bulky mans face. They didnt dare to even mutter a word as they left the table obediently. The man then stretched out his thick arm and swept the table, then lowly roared in the deafening sound of shattering tableware: “Bring out all the best dishes you have in this inn!”

The innkeeper was already there to greet them; as he looked at the remains of broken plates and glass, he felt as if his heart was bleeding. However, he forcefully smiled on the surface and said: “Silver….. Silver Dragons young masters, please rest a while, drinks and foods will come soon, very soon.”

Those six people belonged to Cyan Forest Towns infamous Silver Dragon Mercenary Group, and the bulky man wielding the huge machete was the head, Yin Long, who dubbed himself as the “Silver Dragon”. At the age of a little over forty, his profound strength actually reached the second level of the True Profound Realm. Compared to Cyan Forest Town, where even one at the fourth level of the Nascent Profound Realm would be considered strong, he was unquestionably an unsurmountable existence here. Because of this, the Silver Dragon Mercenary Group became the strongest mercenary group in Cyan Forest Town and acted as if laws doesnt exist, with no one daring to provoke them.

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