ry unfortunate news here today.
Just a day ago, a total of 30 elite special forces operators of our country laid down their lives with great honor while raiding a mountainous armed area.”

As he finished his sentence, his face was flushed with embarrassment.

He also saw the way those soldiers offstage wanted to laugh, and in the end, they did indeed burst out laughing.

“Did I hear that right? Who was the one at the beginning that said they wanted to select another district because they didn’t want to be bullies?”

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All laid down their lives? What is this concept? There’s no precedent for this kind of mass casualties in the history of the M Nation’s military career, is there?”

“I wondered why they had 0 points.
So, it turns out that they all got eliminated.
Today is not April Fool’s Day, is it? I’m afraid that’s the best joke I’ve heard this year.”

“I was expecting that since so many of them are pros, I was worried about losing to them in the single combat missions this year.
But I didn’t expect that they couldn’t even get past the easiest mission in that weakest district; and that all of them were killed in action.”

“I don’t know why but I pity them, because their death did not get a reputation.
The Black Cat Mercenaries, Falcons are the only two major mercenaries in the area.
God, how stupid could they be that they got wiped out!”

Listening to the jeers of those rival country’s soldiers offstage, the M Nation’s commander felt humiliated like never before.

This was the biggest fiasco in history.

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