ve it a try.
As you can see, those people just now didn’t have any solutions.
If he really can solve it, it would be a huge loss for us if we miss it.”

“Moreover, Chairman, if it’s not solved properly, it wouldn’t be a huge loss for us, would it?”

Fang Xuelin weighed the pros and cons in his heart.

He finally let go.
“Then I’ll give you a chance.
If it’s resolved properly, I’ll give you 15 million.”

Yu Bei stretched lazily.
“Chairman Fang, can’t you just be straightforward earlier?”

The technical manager brought Yu Bei to the computer.

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After introducing him, he said, “Sir, you can start now.”

Yu Bei glanced at Fang Xuelin and the technical manager.
“Both of you, get out.
I don’t like people watching me while I’m working.”

“Chairman, this?” The technical manager hesitated.

Fang Xuelin frowned.
“Get out.”

He was worried that Yu Bei would do something, so Fang Xuelin went to check the surveillance footage.

Yu Bei first took out his phone.
After looking at it for a while, he started working.

There was nothing out of the ordinary.

Qin Sheng received a message from Yu Bei.
Half an hour later, she removed her control over Long Yue Technology’s server.

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During this half an hour…

Yu Bei pretended to type on the computer keyboard and occasionally clicked the mouse.
However, on the computer screen, there were only very messy words and numbers.

Yu Bei was unrestrained.
The surveillance cameras on both sides could not see what he wrote.

After he saw Qin Sheng deactivate the control, he walked out of the Technical Department.

When Fang Xuelin saw that he had come out early, he thought that he could not solve it.

He questioned, “Didn’t you swear that you would be able to handle it?”

“Yes, I’ve solved it.
If you don’t believe me, you can go over and take a look.” Yu Bei held his phone and spoke nonchalantly.

The manager of the Technical Department came in front of the computer.

He operated the computer.

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