And If Arthur’s prediction is correct, even that enormous detection range is most likely a byproduct.

Regardless of what tricks Hisui has up her sleeve, it will definitely be Sukuna who wins.
Arthur was so sure that she had already accepted it as a result.


(Wh- What the hell is this feeling?)

Hisui was helplessly frozen in front of Sukuna, who was standing still, without even readying her weapon.

This is not because of the gap in their strength.

Rather, the current Sukuna was full of openings.
If one approached and attacked her, one seemed to defeat Sukuna no matter where they attacked.

It’s an alluring temptation, like a fruit dripping with sweet, sweet honey.

However, Hisui’s instincts stopped her from attacking.
It was begging her to run away.

All of the gaps she could see were traps.
If her master, Kokuyo, is an impenetrable castle wall, then Sukuna is a labyrinth protecting a treasure with countless sweet lures and deadly traps.
And Hisui was not foolish enough to jump into one.

However, Hisui was the one who selfishly set this fight up.

(Too scared to make even a single move is humiliating!)

She put all her strength into her hand, gripping the wooden sword and pumping all her power to her legs that were still unmoving.


Sukuna doesn’t know anything about her; all she has is a fragment of information from Kokuyo and rumors circulating in the village that suggest that Hisui is several levels above her.
If that is the case, then Hisui has the status advantage.

“…are you scared?”

Seeing Sukuna cutely tilting her head to provoke her, Hisui kicked the earth with all her might to launch herself.

Hisui’s agility status is second to none among her comrades.

In particular, Hisui’s agility value is outstandingly high among oni folk, so much that she is undoubtedly worthy of being called a genius.

(I will go with full speed and breakthrough your fake trap!)

This is the fastest movement that Hisui could take without relying on buffs.
In the end, the only thing that mattered in her mind was that she was able to use her full strength to get past Sukuna’s defense.

(The opening is clearly there.
Then all I have to do is strike before she could counter!)


A high-speed sword flash roars and attacks from the lowest position.

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Even with the blade of a dull wooden sword, her slash was so refined that it seemed like it would cut Sukuna’s body in two.

It was a top-notch attack.
Even under the rage and pressure, she still perfectly displayed the skills she had cultivated through training.

‘Sukuna will completely unable to react to this attack.
Because I’m too fast for her to even to follow me with her eyes.’

And because Her concentration had been sharpened to the most for the sake of this single attack, Hisui saw Sukuna’s lip move slightly as time seemed to be slowed down.





Hisui’s body slammed into the ground with a dull, squishy sound.

“GA – HA!?”

A tremendous shock pierced Hisui’s entire body as if the heavens and earth were turned upside down.

Her vision shook, and her consciousness became hazy.
It was an impact that was so tremendous as if a bomb had exploded inside her.


Hisui falls into a state of shock and confusion.

The only thing she could barely tell was that she had been knocked down, probably by a counter.

She also vaguely understood that her attack had failed to hit, as no response was left.

(It was supposed to be a perfect blow.

So, why, why?)

A simple question is floating in Hisui’s mind.

But in battle, such opening won’t be forgiven.

Sukuna checks Hisui’s HP as she slumps to the ground.

The HP gauge of NPCs is normally invisible.
However, just like when she fought Kohaku, it seems that the opponent’s HP becomes visible during a PvP-like battle, such as a match or duel.

While reminiscing about this, Sukuna looked at Hisui’s HP gauge, which was completely undamaged by her current blow, and understood the effect of the item called [Substitute Doll].

Sukuna then slowly grabbed Hisui’s head, which had fallen and was not moving, with a happy expression on her face.


Sukuna lifted her lightly and slammed Hisui back to the ground with all her might.

GASH! The sound of hard objects colliding with each other resounded.

That was the sound of Hisui’s face plunging into the earth, which had cracked from the impact earlier.

However, her HP had not been reduced yet.

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She lifts her up again and slams her down.

Still, her HP is still not reduced.

GASH! GONG! DONG! – that was the sound of Hisui’s head colliding with the ground

It was a miserable, horrible, brutal scene.

Sukuna is grinning as she continues her violence, and Hisui, who was at first still trying to resist, is now no longer even twitching.

Even though Hisui’s HP was protected by the substitute doll, her consciousness was blurred, and her heart was broken.

Should one call it fortunate, or should one congratulate her on enduring that much?

And at the eighth blow, finally, the substitute doll popped out of Hisui’s body and burst into flames.

“That’s enough!”

It seems that the decision has now been made since the substitute doll has been destroyed, and Kokuyo’s slightly impatient voice echoed.

Even though Kokuyo said that Hisui wouldn’t die no matter what, she still watched the fight so carefully that she could stop the match at the moment it was ended.

(I guess I didn’t need to use it after all.)

Sukuna, who had won the battle unscathed, sighed.

The complete release of the five senses.
It was not meaningless, but it was unnecessary in this battle.

Sukuna herself did it, but she never expected that a single counter would completely crush Hisui.

(I wonder if this is all I can do to accomplish my declaration to let her kiss the ground.)

Sukuna looked at Hisui, who didn’t move an inch even though the match was over, then she wondered if she had gone a little overboard.

Soon after, she noticed that the eyes of the Kokuyo and her student were painted with horror.

Even Kohaku and Arthur’s expressions were a little strained.
And for an unknown reason, Himiko was the only one smiling with joy.


I’ll have to re-limit my senses.
While picking up the motionless Hisui gently, Sukuna sighed inwardly once more.

A note:


Tl note:

Hie~ te Nanda yo!

Someone… please bury me into the deepest hole in the earth… yesterday… I FORGOT TO PUSH THE ‘PUBLISH’ BUTTON, NANI THE F**K MYSELF!!!!

And frick… she saw her parents’ death in her unrestricted state, right? Can you imagine seeing your loved ones slowly crushed to death? No wonder she’s broken after that.

And btw, if some questions why I “changed” Sukuna’s real name, I have to explain that there’s some mistranslation on that part.
I double-checked with the raw and manga.
It’s all read as “Futayado Nanaka,” not “Futayado Nanako” – is it for certain? Yes, it is, since the author even bothers to add furigana in her name.

Right, there’s a manga version of this novel.
Maybe someone would translate it? **wink**wink**

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