it, it became hilarious.
Lu Dingtian was a quiet person.
He had a character that would make it seem like he’ll be uncomfortable if he spoke more than a single word.
Now that such a person said a string of words, Zhao Hai and the others couldn’t help but laugh.

The group laughed as they entered Zhao Hai’s room.
Upon closing the door, Zhao Hai immediately turned his head to Xiong Li and the others and said, “Boss, you and the others shouldn’t participate in the tournament.
As soon as you’re declared as qualified to enter the tournament, immediately forfeit and then return to the Machine FIeld.
Close up and practice your cultivation methods.”

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XIong Li and the others stared.
They don’t understand why Zhao Hai was so anxious this time.
Then in a low voice, Zhao Hai told them about the Six Realms Battlefield.
Then he said, “It’s possible that when the competition ends, they will send us to the battlefield.
Therefore, you need to practice your cultivation method as soon as possible.”

Xiong Li and the others looked at Zhao Hai in shock.
This was the first time they heard about the Six Realms Battlefield.
But since they believed that Zhao Hai wouldn’t deceive them, they immediately nodded and said, “Alright, rest assured.
We know what to do.”

Zhao Hai nodded, then he waved his hand, taking out several sheets of papers.
Then he handed the papers over to everyone and said, “These cultivation methods are compatible with your body’s attribute.
Third Brother, you can teach Sixth Brother your Divine Fire Dragon Art.
Also, please write it down for me.”

Dongfang Yu nodded and said, “Alright, I’ll do it now.” Then he walked out.

However, Zhao Hai held him back and said, “It’s fine, there’s still time.
Right, you can all take this and use it when you go back and close up.” Then he took out several bottles and gave it to his brothers.
These were all potions that are beneficial to cultivation.

Dongfang Yu naturally wouldn’t be polite as they all took their own bottle and stored it inside their spatial items.
Zhao Hai nodded and said, “Let’s go and have a drink with the team leader.
When the ranking tournament officially begins, you head back to the Machine Field.
And when I return, let’s head to the Six Realms Battlefield together.
Let’s teach the other fellows a lesson.”

Xiong Li and the others laughed.
They weren’t that worried about heading to the Six Realms Battlefield.
The main reason for this confidence was because Zhao Hai would be with them.
As long as Zhao Hai was there, they don’t have anything to worry about.

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When the group went out of the room, they saw that several tables filled with wine and dishes had already been prepared outside.
But to be honest, when Xiong LI and the others saw the wine and dishes, they couldn’t help but frown a bit.
This was because the dishes and wine weren’t a lot.

At this time, Ma Rulong also walked out of his room.
He also saw the lack of food and wine on the tables, but he wasn’t surprised.
Then he sighed and said, “It’s hard for us here in the Cultivation Realm.
It’s not easy to get food in this place.
Little Hai, if you eat and drink these things, then we might as well drink water.”

As soon as everyone heard Ma Rulong, they couldn’t help but laugh.
To be honest, now that they had drank Zhao Hai’s liquor, they were somewhat spoiled.

Zhao Hai laughed and said, “Team Leader, I’ll take care of it.” Then after he said that, a large number of wines and dishes appeared.
Everyone didn’t hold back and immediately started to partake in the food.
Since Zheng Li wasn’t present this time, everyone was a bit rowdy.
The other team leaders were giving Zhao Hai’s toasts and chatted with him, trying to establish a closer relationship.

Although the status of these team leaders in the Machine FIeld wasn’t low, it wasn’t high as well.
Naturally, they couldn’t compare to Ma Rulong.
Now that Zhao Hai’s rise was unstoppable, these people took the chance to establish a good relationship with him.
These people weren’t stupid, they knew that they could benefit from this in the future.

As soon as Zhao Hai saw these people, he knew what they were doing.
However, he didn’t ignore them and instead chatted with them and established contacts.
He even made sure to take note about their names as well as their origins.

Xiong Li and the others looked at Zhao Hai and couldn’t help but sigh.
They began to think about what kinds of things Zhao Hai experienced in the lower realms.
How was he able to handle everything?

Not only Xiong Li and the others, Ma Rulong was also sighing.
Zhao Hai gave him a strange feeling, someone who couldn’t be completely understood.
But Ma Rulong could see that Zhao Hai had some sentiment towards the Machine Field and had no favorable impression towards the Cultivation Realm.
This made Ma Rulong relieved.

There were plenty of talents in the Machine Field that transferred to the Cultivation Realm.
This wasn’t a rare thing.
Ma Rulong was afraid that Zhao Hai would settle in the Cultivation Realm later on.
He told Zhao Hai about the Six Realms Battlefield in order to make Zhao Hai feeling a sense of belonging to the Machine Field.
But from what Ma Rulong could see, it seems like he had already half succeeded.

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