Xi Guangshan looked at the folder Jing min put on the table, and did not take it up to look at it.
Instead, he looked at Jing min and said, ”what do you want to do? ”

”I ’ve found a very interesting thing recently.
I think you will be interested in it.
I ’d like to share it with you. ” Jing min opened the folder and opened it in front of Xi Guangshan.
”This is the DNA test report of Xi Rui and I.
according to the above content, there is no academic relationship between Xi Rui and me. ”

Xi Guangshan was completely stunned.
His brain suddenly stopped working and couldn ’t digest Jing min ’s words.
In a trance, he felt that he didn ’t understand what Jing Min said.

Jing Min said with a smile, ”I have no blood relationship with Xi Rui, that is to say, one of us is not your own son.
Who do you think is not? ”

Xi Guangshan, who has been stunned like a statue, suddenly has an action.
He picks up the test report and has a good time.
Then he grits his teeth and says to Jing min, ”you don ’t want to alienate us in this way.
I won ’t be fooled by you! ”

”Do you think I ’d be stupid enough to have such a poor way of estrangement? ” Jing min sneered and said, ”paternity test you can go to the hospital at any time.
Why should I make up a lie that can be broken by a stab? ”

With his hands on his thighs, Xi Guangshan pressed his legs, which began to tremble.
He closed his eyes and struggled to suppress the feeling that a heart attack was about to break out.

”You must have wanted Shirley to be your own? ” Jing Min said, ”in fact, I hope I ’m not your son, but the reality is so cruel that people can ’t easily get what they want. ”

Jing min stood up and looked at Xi Guangshan, whose state was obviously not right.
He said, ”go and have a paternity test.
It ’s better to confirm the facts than to be worried all the time. ”

He Lang saw Jing min come out and help him open the door.

After Jing min got on the bus, he Lang asked, ”are you finished? ”

”Well. ” Jing min nodded.

”He responded? ” He Lang asked.

”The blow was so great that there was no special reaction, but I think when he comes back to his senses, there will be a special reaction. ” Jingmin said.

He Lang touched Jing min ’s face, ”did he say something to hurt you? ”

”He can ’t hurt me no matter what he says.
I ’m not a person who hurts because of someone who doesn ’t care. ” Jing Min said calmly.

”Well, you just care about me in the future. ” He Lang pinched Jing min ’s.

Jing min patted off he Lang ’s hand, glared at him and said, ”drive quickly. ”

Jing min walked for a long time, but Xi Guangshan finally got a move.
He opened his eyes and tore the DNA test report to pieces.
When he wanted to stand up and throw away the pile of scraps of paper, his feet fell to the ground.

Xi Guangshan felt the sweating on his forehead and breathed deeply.
His heart was still beating faster than he could control.
Bearing the dizziness of his brain, he struggled to get up from the ground, threw the scraps of paper into the garbage can, and faltered, unable to walk upstairs.

Close the door of the study, Xi Guangshan falls in the sofa, the whole person seems to be in general, the eyes are in a trance.

Neither Schiller nor Shirley was born of him, which was a blow and a disgrace to him.
Although he doesn ’t like Schiller, he can ’t stand the betrayal in marriage.
If Schiller is not his own, he will also be greatly shocked.

As Jing Min said, if we have to choose one, Xi Guangshan would like Xi Rui to be his own.
Because he has invested too much and paid too much in Xirui ’s body.
If Xirui is not his own, all he has done over the years is like a fool, pathetic and ridiculous.

But who in the end was not his own, now it is up to him to choose.
And his heart is very clear, at the beginning Schiller his mother married to the Xi family, because of the suicide happened, after that almost lived like house arrest.
In a very small amount of time out, there will be people who are always following, and there is no chance to contact other people.

And although Schiller looks like his mother more, but in his small, also can see his outline is very similar to his grandmother.
So it ’s almost impossible to say that Schiller was not his own.
But if Shirley wasn ’t born to him What should he do? What should I do?

Xirui came back from the outside.
He didn ’t see Xi Guangshan in the living room, so he went upstairs to his study.
Outside the study, he knocks on the door, but there is no response.
Xi Rui pushes the door open and looks inside.
Seeing Xi Guangshan lying on his sofa, he walks in doubtfully.

”Dad, what ’s wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable? ” Seeing Xi Guangshan ’s pale face and sweat on his forehead, Xi Rui thinks he is ill.

Xi Guangshan opens his eyes and looks at Xirui.
He closes his eyes and opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn ’t make a sound.

”Dad, what ’s wrong with you? Don ’t scare me Xi Rui sees that Xi Guangshan ’s appearance is really wrong.
He suddenly gets anxious.
There are still a lot of things in Xi ’s family that he hasn ’t got.
If Xi Guangshan has an accident, Schiller will share those things with him equally.
He didn ’t want to give Schiller any money.Xi Guangshan just breathes with his mouth open and can ’t say any words at all.
In fact, he doesn ’t really have no voice.
He just opens his mouth, but he doesn ’t know what to say.

”Dad! I, I, I will call the hospital right away.
You must hold on to it Xirui immediately took out his mobile phone and called an ambulance in a panic.

Xi Guangshan was sent to the hospital, and Wen Zhu, who received the news, also rushed to the hospital.
Xi Guangshan ’s body has been very good, and there is no disease.
Now a sudden attack of illness has made Wen Zhu and Xi Rui wonder what happened to him.

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