do it himself? He’s just trying to make use of me like Situ Li.
She then smirked as she said, “I’m not doing your dirty work for you.”

“This can cause someone to lose their memories.
Think about it.” Shi Mo threw the tiny packet onto the deck before he turned to leave.

A dangerous glint flickered in his eyes as he walked away.
The drug wasn’t one that would cause amnesia, but it wasn’t a health supplement either.
Shi Mo was someone who liked to control everything, but he was also someone who loved a challenge.

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Whether it’s Tan Ge or Su Xi-er who ends up taking it, I wonder how things will go? Who will be the one to take the drug? How interesting.

Tan Ge kept her eyes on the tiny packet on deck, thinking about the temptation it brought.
If Su Xi-er takes the drug and it causes her to lose her memories, she would forget about Pei Qianhao and her identity as the Western Region Imperial Princess.
She wouldn’t have her guard up against me either!

If I can hide her in a remote village deep in the country, Su Xi-er will never remember who she is – everything will change!

Shortly after, she bent down to pick up the packet, hiding it in her sleeves.
She continued looking towards the horizon calmly.

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Even if Su Xi-er forgets, Pei Qianhao would definitely be able to find her.
Du Ling would not give up on searching for her either.

Tan Ge’s lips curled up into a vicious smile at the thought of Du Ling.
After Su Xi-er loses her memories, I’ll put her in a tiny village and make her marry some random man who can’t find a wife, maybe even some older man who’s already lost his wife.
Even if Pei Qianhao and Du Ling manage to find her, she won’t be pure and clean anymore!

It’s great to be unclean! We’re all unclean, and Su Xi-er will no longer be pure! I’ll destroy her and rip apart the unfeeling faces of Pei Qianhao and Du Ling.
I’ll destroy these two cruel and callous men!

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