face as she heavily gasped for breath.
She was completely held and taken care of under his exertion, making her fall all over again for him.

”Mingzhi, you ’re so beautiful… ”

Davis uttered with a bit of passion gleaming in his eyes.

Mo Mingzhi ’s heart fluttered crazily.
She had heard being called beautiful so many times that she got tired of it, but this single compliment from Davis that appeared extremely genuine made her inwardly scream.

She felt completely satisfied at this moment!

However, her breathing became more laborious.
She opened her lips, wanting to say something, but his focused eyes on her left her feeling breathless.

She looked away, her eyelids fluttering as her expression adopted a shyness never seen before.

”Davis, I want to sleep with you tonight… ”

”…! ”

Davis ’s eyes widened.
Evelynn ’s mouth went agape, and so did the others drop their jaws.

”You what…!? ”

”Hey, follow the sisterhood code…! ”

Sophie and Niera pointed at Mo Mingzhi as they almost looked as if they were going to have their heads blown.

”Uh, sisterhood? ” Mo Mingzhi became a bit embarrassed, ”I mean, not that.
How can I say this…
Since I ’m not his first, I don ’t particularly care about marrying and stuff.
I am just satisfied with obtaining his love and being with him as I always imagined.
As for proof, we ’ll have a child~ ”

Mo Mingzhi resplendently smiled.

”… ”

Sophie and Niera were dumbfounded before they uttered.

”A fairy… ”

what…!? You should marry him before you sleep with him!!! ”

Their expressions became awry as they spoke at the same time.

”Hehehe~ ”

Mo Mingzhi sweetly giggled before she planted a sweet kiss on Davis one last time before she separated, still looking at him as she waited for his answer.
She was aware that if she was intimate anymore, she might garner the wrath of those he hadn ’t touched yet because, from the looks of it, Evelynn, Natalya, and Fiora stayed calm while Sophie and Niera were obviously flustered.

Davis looked like he had made a decision by this time.

”If you come to my room tonight, I will take it as a complete yes and take you.
Otherwise, I will also not blame you because it is easier to say what you said while you ’re at the height of ecstasy. ”

”Davis, I- ”

”Mingzhi, I want to marry you. ”

”Uh? ”

A dumbfounded sound escaped Mo Mingzhi ’s mouth as she saw Davis ’s smile before she turned away.
Everyone could see her body trembling ever so lightly, making them grin.
Despite what she said, a little bit of grandness like marriage was still expected.

In a few seconds, Mo Mingzhi went through another round of personal discussions with her inner self before she looked back.

”Thank you, Fiora.
You can remove your wind barrier now… ”

”Uh, but… ” Fiora appeared hesitant.

”What ’s wrong? ”

Mo Mingzhi blinked, to which Fiora pursed her lips before she explained.

”Probably more than half the people noticed the commotion and saw you kiss Davis already before I made the barrier.
Are you fine with it? ”

Mo Mingzhi made an ’O ’ with her mouth before she nodded and shook her head.

”I don ’t care.
In fact, isn ’t that what I was doing all along, to make others know that I belong to Davis? ”

She shrugged, looking aloof.
Her previous shyness was nowhere to be seen as only a smug face remained.

The other girls were dumbfounded before flames abruptly began to emerge in their eyes.

they must work hard! This girl was just too strong despite her low cultivation!

Abruptly, they heard a muffled noise echo inside from outside the barrier.

Davis ’s eyes lit up while the others were confused, unaware of what ’s going on.

Could it be that they found their actions outrageous?

Fiora gulped and removed her wind barrier when a massive wave of cheers swallowed them.

”Woah!!!~ ”

They were all astonished as they looked towards the entrance, recognizing their third sister!

Everyone other than them was in cheers as they looked at the extraordinary beauty walking past them.

The Dragon Queen was truly here!?

They had been hoping to see her magnificence and elegance, but once they got to see her, they were thoroughly humbled.
The overwhelming kind of aura emanating from her made them feel that her reputation was well deserved.

Ancestor Dian Alstreim was also taken aback.
Something in his gut feeling told him that she was not to be messed with.
He glanced at Davis and saw that he was absolutely calm despite the implications.

The Dragon Families were already here, seemingly having their faces ugly.


He wondered what was wrong with them before he glanced at Davis and also saw him notice the changing expressions of the Dragon Families ’ powerhouses.
Just before he could ask Davis what could be wrong with them, a voice echoed out.

”Dragon Queen Isabella, what have you done to our elites? ”

Isabella slowly came to a stop as she heard Thorus Zlatan ’s voice.
She turned her head to look at them, a sharp glint gleaming in her eyes before she waved her hand.

Four black-robed people appeared in mid-air and plunged towards the floor with a thud, splashing blood on the floor.
However, people noticed that their heads were missing while viscous blood flowed out of their severed necks slowly as if it had already run out, causing them to hold their breaths as their expressions became deathly pale.

”You mean these four dead bodies I accidentally found near a killing formation when I was forced out of seclusion by those many ninth stage undulations I felt…? ”

Isabella ’s melodious voice echoed out with utter indifference, causing the expressions of the Dragon Families ’ powerhouses to truly change!

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