is Aurora Lord class.
While it did sound a bit weird, he hoped it would be unique enough compared to Paragon of Space, which was a ’typical ’ Divine elemental class. 

Basically, anyone with enough space mastery could try for that class, and there would not just be one Paragon of Space, there could be many depending on the skill of the candidates. 

For Essence, it was better to get something tailored for him, even if it wasn ’t as popular or had as much potential as the alternative which was ’open source ’. 

As such, he made the payment and was whisked away immediately into blackness. 

When he appeared, Essence noted that he was floating in space, all around him planets in their solar systems and stars shining beautifully as the universe continually expanded. 

「System to Player Announcement 

Beginning Aurora Lord Class Up Procedure.

With such a lovely backdrop, he was shocked to find that he was currently standing atop a line of colorful energy, one that was wavy and seemed to partially zigzag all over. 

He was standing on an actual Aurora Borealis in space! 

It wasn ’t as ethereal as it looked from Earth, looking very thick and corporeal here.
Not only that, he noticed that it was almost endless, starting from a point he couldn ’t see and ending at a point he could not fathom. 

It looked somewhat similar to that famous stage from Mario Kart where people always fell off the edge. 

「Aurora Lord – Divine Class Up Procedure 

Description: Aurora is not just a visual phenomenon, but a special type of energy.
It is a naturally occurring energy that exists for a brief period during the formation of the universe, and is responsible for creating the foundation of the universe.
As a being that is infinitely close to the essence of Aurora, discover the truth of this energy and how it relates to you. 

Rewards: Divine Class – Aurora Lord」 

Essence read the details of this class and was astounded.
He had heard of Aurora Energy thanks to the discovery of the Evil Duo, so he had a fair idea of what it was. 

The theory was that Aurora was a ’starter ’ energy while Origin was a ’running ’ energy, but on a universal scale.
Just like how the energy that was used by your car to spark itself was different from what it used to stay on and move. 

So Aurora had similar properties to Origin, much like how Internal Force was similar to Kiran ’s Noble Energy.
However, it only existed for a short period of time and was replaced by Origin Energy after everything was set up. 

Draco was only lucky to encounter it because his Inner Universe had been budding at the time, so Aurora Energy had been – and still was – present there. 

But what did this mean for Essence? 

「System to Player Announcement 

The objective of the Aurora Lord Class Up Procedure has been set. 

Player Essence Stalker must find the source of Aurora to clear this task.」 

Essence Stalker ’s expression changed.
He turned to face the road of Aurora behind him that seemed endless and smiled bitterly. 

”Welp, looks like I ’m gonna have to mimic Goku and cross this ’snakeway ’. ” He muttered with resignation as he began running. 

Since he had access to his class powers and abilities, he ran for a bit hem transformed into a Void Dragon.
In this form, he shuttled through space itself, not just fly, so he was crossing hundreds of kilometers a second. 

Yet, up until the transformation wore off, he still did not see any change around him except the change in nearby planets.
That at least helped him narrow down his position and reassured him that he wasn ’t moving in circles. 

When he changed back, he grumbled unhappily before using his mama to cast his spatial abilities to teleport forward as far as he could go.
When he ran out, he would allow it to recharge slowly by running while singing to himself, something he used to do when he worked out back then. 

The moment, his mana refilled, he was off again into the sunset, like a vehicle that hit nitrous from slow driving state. 

Essence could not tell you how long he had been here or how much distance he had traversed.
It felt like he had run around Earth ’s circumference 300 times in terms of distance and had spent up to around a month here. 

He had his Dark Angel Inheritance and Control Tier 3, so his mental fortitude was not akin to a normal person who would have broken down long ago.
Rather, he was still largely unaffected by this laborious task. 

After about what felt like three times the total period he had been here (up until the last sentence), Essence finally saw a change.
At the edge of his vision, he saw a glowing white portal from which the Aurora Energy appeared to look through, entering the universe. 

What shocked the fellow was that, within the portal, stood the silhouette of a woman who seemed to be arrogant and peerlessly beautiful.
For some reason, Essence felt that this woman was familiar, so he tried to rush closer. 

However, he felt the world around him tremble as the Aurora Energy bridge beneath him retracted slowly, beginning to disappear while Essence himself was pulled out of that strange realm. 

The darkness took over him, returning him to the private room he had started from unwillingly.
Essence wanted to go back dearly, for he felt like he had touched upon a taboo so deep it might shake the foundations of reality. 

He sighed and lower his outstretched hand that had tried to grasp something weakly.
His familiarity with the silhouette in that portal made him feel intimate, so it could not be Zaine, Eva, Hikari or Roma. 

It had to be someone he knew and loved, so to be honest, the idea of that made him feel uncomfortable.
At this time, the AI finally made itself known. 

「System to Player Announcement 

Calculating potential stat allocation… 」 

「System to Player Announcement 

Drafting potential class skills… 」 

「System to Player Announcement 

Assessing current player physique… 」 

「System to Player Announcement 

Inspecting class equipment… 」 

「System to Player Announcement 

Corroborating possible techniques… 」 

「System to Player Announcement 

Predicting potential class paths… 」 

「System to Player Announcement 

New class analysis complete.

Y/N 」 

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