iculty of Boundless.
The rogue kept stabbing into the slow moving zombie, getting numbers ranging from 2 to 4. 

Nightwalker and Krona shared a look before striking forth.
Nightwalker simply raised his guns and began shooting crazily.
Guns didn ’t use physical metal bullets, but drained the mana of the user to create mana bullets. 

As such, he could fire endlessly as long as he had enough mana.
This meant that even for auto-attacks, guns couldn ’t be used for too long unless one had a busted mana stat. 

This was the AI ’s balance as guns had an insane attack speed compared to normal weapons, so if gunslingers were allowed to fire without scruples, they would automatically become the new Gods of the game. 

This class was limited to players only, NPC didn ’t have gun related skills or the know how.
Even Draco only recently made a flintlock using his Magic Engineering which was an Epic Tradeskill mind you. 

But that one was general use, like a proper gun as it drained nothing from the user.
These guns drained 1 point of mana for every 5 shots, so Nightwalker at level 1 who only had about 10 mana could only fire about 50 shots before he would be tapped out. 

-4! -3! -3! 

Guns like these were not known for their damage, but their fire rate.
As such, Nightwalker felled two zombies alone, leaving one for Krona. 

Krona was far more straightforward than his compatriots, as he held his staff gently.
He cats the staff auto-attack which was a small arrow of water that struck a zombie. 


Naturally, magic had a stronger effect on zombies who had high physical resistance.
Krona was dissatisfied by this as he raised a finger and directly fired a needle thin drop of water with high pressure. 

-43! (obviously, it did not deal this little, but the zombie only had 43 HP left) 

This high pressure line managed to pierce through his targeted zombie and kill it in one hit.
Seeing this, the eyes of the other three members bulged.
They gazed at Krona with shock and horror for a few seconds, their minds not able to process what ’s going on. 

Then the Shield Guardian laughed shakily.
”Oh my, Brother Krona you must have been lucky enough to be able to buy one of those legendary Master Packages! I thought they no longer sold them.
Still, you shouldn ’t be in a rush to use your Uncommon skills, as we ’ll be needing them deeper into the dungeon. ” 

Hearing this, the expressions of the other stabilized slightly as they also laughed awkwardly, forcing themselves to believe that this was the case.
After all, it was the only explanation they could come up with for it was clear given their level that Krona and Nightwalker had just started the game. 

Unless they had a powerful backer, they should not have access to Rare or Epic skills.
And in that case, why would they bother to play the game with some no names like themselves? Of course, these bottom feeders had no idea about Lineages, Inheritances and whatnot, so they could only reason it like it. 

Krona nodded, not wanting to give up the goose for no reason, yet Nightwalker ’s eyes shone with playful intent as he entertained a very scare thought. 

’I wonder what would happen if I release a little bit of Armageddon here? ’ 

The group went deeper into the dungeon and fought a bit more, this time both Nightwalker and Krona fighting normally.
This reassured the skeptical trio and made them drop their guards. 

In the boss room, Nightwalker no longer held back.
He waved his hand and opened a Calamity Oortal, from which a torrent of lava poured out and filled the entire cavern. 

Krona was easily able to summon a pillar of water to elevate himself and attach himself to a nearby wall, but the other three were not so lucky.
Since this lava was not brought forth by a system skill or a system recognized technique, it did not possess the friendly fire limiter. 

As such, the three randoms burned to death while screaming agony, melting into goop as they died.
Krona showed no reaction while Leviathan and Jormungandr were like connoisseurs, enjoying the screams of agony. 

Nightwalker recalled his lava and gazed at Krona who landed beside him causally.
”I underestimated you.
I thought you ’d be angry that I killed our teammates so cruelly. ” 

Krona gazed at his fallen compatriots neutrally.
”What ’s the point? It ’s just a game and while I might not have known you for long, there is at least a family tie between the two of us.
Besides, they already suffered their fates.
Unless there are direct consequences for your actions that will affect me, it ’s not my concern. ” 

Err… Nightwalker was speechless, yet from the limited time he had spent with him, it did sound sound like a very Krona thing to say. 

”Well, we now know that teaming up with losers is a waste of time.
Let ’s run this thing on the hardest difficulty next time. ” Nightwalker suggested with a shrug. 

”Sure, I felt the same way after seeing their reactions to my earlier attack.
That only took less than 0.0001% of my bloodline power, yet they treated it like I had used a godly skill. ” Krona unhesitatingly agreed. 

”Not to mention, after seeing me oneshot the enemy, I understood that my offensive power is far above what players at our current level should possess. ” He added while folding his arms. 

Nightwalker nodded and gazed at the ruined cavern which was scorched black from the lava.
Even the drops form the boss monster had been burned into nothingness. 

”Yep, let ’s do that.
Also when we meet those three, leave it to me.
I was the one who offed them, so I should be the one to explain myself. ” Nightwalker offered as he exited the dungeon with Krona. 

When outside, the other three respawned immediately, their faces changing from pain to horror as they gazed at the smiling Nightwalker.
Nightwalker himself took a step forward and wore a big smile. 

”Hey there, buddies! Sorry about what happened back there, you know.
I ’m a total noob and couldn ’t control my abilities, haha! ” 

His eyes gleamed and the three men couldn ’t help but feel fear in their hearts, as if they were looking at a killer who would end their lives in a heartbeat. 

”You guys won ’t take it to heart right? You ’ll forget about it… right? ” 

They nodded their heads like chicken pecking rice, to which Nightwalker smiled.
”See you lads later then~ ” 

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