
Chapter 2: Fusion Of Evil


A phantom smashed into the side of the building. ”What is that, ” a woman said while pointing it out. Scared, people started running away for their lives as some barely managed to escape the falling pieces of rubble. Yet, a single man stood still, with his hoodies over his head, he looked up, and a set of mystical eyes stared into the phantom.


He vanished in a blink of an eye and appeared on top of the phantom. From Thin air pair of middle-length daggers appeared in his hands as he stabbed his short blades into what seemed an endless amount of flesh. He enchanted a spell. ”Evil spirit of darkness, created to destroy, vanish. ”

An array of different lights began to shine throughout the city. Instantly but temporarily blinding everyone in the surrounding area. Then a spell circle, and above it, a wheel of divine writing appeared, diminishing the creature to thin air.

”Mom, why are we running? ” Said a little boy to the lady who had previously located the serpent-like worm creature. ”I- Uhh, don know. ” She said to her child, who seemed dragged along the ground.

”Uhh, another day, another fight. ” Said the young fighter to himself while standing atop a skyscraper. ”I wonder if a human will come to see me one day. ” He uttered to himself in a wishful manner.

Suddenly as he sat down, the daggers that were in his hands vanished into thin air along with reddish glimmering lighting.

His feet dangled off the skyscraper. He looked down, mesmerized by how the human population had grown so much since their creation. ”Ooo, what a beautiful scene, just like always. ” He said to himself with a smile.

”Lord Hakai, please report the status of your battle. ” Said an angelic voice that he could only hear.

”Hmm, hmm. Missions done. ” Said Hakai with an annoyed tone. ”Now, please give me my payment, Tennyo-Chan. ” He said with an aggressive yet laid-back attitude.

”Of course. ” The female voice replied with a bit of giggle. ”Lord Hakai, keep it up, and soon will no longer have to pay you. ” She said with a bit of chuckle. ”Bye-bye for now. ” She informed him while a sack of money appeared in front of him.

”Ahh, only two-thousand-yen? ” He said with an exhausted expression. ”When am I ever going to build my shrine, let alone my dimension. ” He said while scraping the back of his head.

”Well, whatever. ” He said as he felt a jolt of dark energy whiz past his face. ”Whats that negative aura? ” He said to himself as he stood up with a frowned look.

”Tennyo, you better pay me good for this. ” He said as he jumped off the tall skyscraper that seemed to pierce the sky and reach the heavens.

As he fell, he perfectly and harmlessly landed on a smaller building. Then, jumping from building to building quickly, he annoyedly spoke to himself. ”I wish I could fly! ” He said with a frown.

Picking up on the massive darkness colliding into one another, he thought. ”Two evil spirits fighting? ” He said to himself with a confused look.

Sensing the energy more clearly, he swished past a building to see two massive flesh-hanging spirits conjoin their bodies together. ”Oh no, they
e fusing! ” He said to himself with a little worried expression.

”Daggers of Calamity! ” He screamed with a stern voice. ”Ahh! ” He called as he launched himself off a building and towards the pair of evil spirits.

As he was getting closer, he saw one of the spirits lift its arm and smash it towards him. ”Damn it. I can get out of the way. ” He said to himself as he felt a sudden impact on his back and soon on his face.


He hit the ground with a massive shockwave. Still, the people seemed to ignore the gigantic spirits, only what ensued in the affected area. Thinking that it was a misplaced window frame or a piece of a building crumbling and falling apart, the people surrounding the area began to flee. Finally, with the help of many other people, the area was clear.

”Ahh, that hurts! ” Expressed Hakai as he stood up to see that the area was clear. ”Thank goodness! ” He said with relief. ”Now, to deal with this humongous thing. ” So he told himself as he gripped his daggers and held his shoulder in pain.

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