was also the reason that Gu Shao did not involve himself in Gu Xi and her team’s previous model creation.

The model that they had created was very simple and Gu Shao could tell a lot of issues with it and that it was far from a real product.
But that really was what was within Gu Xi and her team’s current capability.
It wasn’t something that required the resources of several of NTN’s research and development department and took a week and a half to accomplish.

Giving Gu Shao too much additional halo would only increase conflicts and stress for Gu Xi.

Kids her age should be projected and grow under this protection.

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Make sense.

Xu Fei couldn't help but nodded when he heard what Gu Shao had said.

“I just don’t know where he read that from……” grumbled Xu Fei to himself.

He had sinned –– when he was asked to make copies of certain documents from his boss’s computer last week, he had “inadvertently” clicked open a folder by the name of “references”.

And what opened up in front of him was a bunch of internet forums and articles shared on public accounts: How to communicate effective with child during their rebellious period; How to be friends with your child; Parents should be respectful to their child; What kind of roles do you play in your child’s development……

Reading the titles alone would be enough for these kinds of articles from experts.
Xu Fei was surprised that not only did their boss downloaded them, he even divided them up into different categories.

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Regardless, Xu Fei seemed to have figured out why his boss only demonstrated T&S to others professionals in the field rather than showing it to the public in an ostentatious way.

He probably didn’t want Gu Xi and her team’s topic to be affected by T&S.

Having said what he had said, Gu Shao glanced over at Hu Pei and asked, “Do you feel that my daughter’s topic isn’t good enough?”

A hint of pride could be detected in Gu Shao’s words.

Gu Xi’s topic was very good and they did not need any “outside help” to take the number one spot.

Gu Shao’s confidence was not unfounded.
Nobody knew that after topics had been released during the first round of the competition, Gu Shao had already secretly looked over all the other subjected that had entered into the competition and compared their scoring to his daughter’s topic.

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