e planet was filled with viruses.
Back then, the league had decided to build their base at the heart because of how white the area was.
Back then, the researchers believed that the color white was due to thick nitrogen ice and that the low temperature would be the perfect containment for the dangerous viruses found there,” said Zhang Xingxing. 

“I also know that.
Back then, the league had elected to build their base on the Sputnik Planitia for safety reasons.
After the establishment of the base, the early explorers started exploring the area around Pluto,” said Old Du.

“Old Du, you overlooked something important.
Even back then, the ice chunks spurting out of Wright Mons carried a virus with them.
The virus was named Isi.
Because it originated from within Pluto, it was quickly noticed by the researchers,” said Kelly.

“You're right.
I did overlook Isi.
But Isi is a rather helpful virus.
It can help us eliminate all infectious diseases that spread through the air with a cell temperature-drop process.
The virus I mentioned earlier are the viruses that are fatal and dangerous,” said Old Du.

We all knew about Isi.
It was one of the greatest contributions Pluto had made to the league.
But the league had marked the subsequent findings on Pluto as classified.
Officials and soldiers of insufficient rank would not be able to learn about the new findings.

“Old Du was right.
The league was wild with joy after obtaining the Isi virus.
Thus, they attached even more importance to Pluto.
More military forces and weapons were deployed to Pluto, hoping to further explore the planet.
But that act was akin to the opening of Pandora's box,” said Zhang Xingxing with a sigh.

“There are good and bad viruses, but they are all part of life.
You have merely encountered a virus that is too difficult to control for your low-leveled civilization,” remarked Temo calmly.

“Dwarf, if you're not interested in the topic, screw off.
This is a conversation of a superior civilization.
It has nothing to do with you,” said Domo furiously.

Zhang Xingxing shot Temo a glance, but she didn't give him a direct reply.
She slowly spoke, “To the west of Wright Mons is the tallest mountain range on Pluto: Tenzing Montes, reaching a height as tall as 6,200 meters.
It is a precipitous mountain range standing atop the icy ground, and on the other side of the range is a mysterious area that has perplexed researchers for many years.”

“Are you referring to the Cthulhu Macula? The conspicuous red patch on Pluto,” asked Dodo.

Beyond Tenzing Montes, to the west of the heart, the Cthulhu Macula can be found.
Back then, it was believed that the patches were caused by methane and nitrogen in the atmosphere interacting with ultraviolet light and cosmic rays, resulting in the creation of complex hydrocarbons called tholins that cover the surface,” said Zhang Xingxing.

“What's tholin?” asked Dondon, who had just returned to the command center with Wind Spirit.
From his expression, his issue with her had been resolved.

“Tholin is what Blue researchers named a substance that can be found on icy celestial objects.
It is considered a type of heteropolymer, formed by the solar ultraviolet irradiation of simple organic compounds such as methane and ethane.
It is not something of a single element, and there is no confirmed elemental mixture that corresponds to it.
Generally, tholins are red or brown.
They are found in great abundance on the surfaces of icy bodies in the outer solar system,” explained Dodo on Zhang Xingxing's behalf.

“Dodo's right.
But after the discovery of Isi, a new theory emerged.
They believed that tholins might be the appearance of an even more powerful virus.
This red virus is believed to mix well with Isi, the white virus, and by obtaining the two viruses, an unequaled super virus can be created,” said Zhang Xingxing.

“This is why low-leveled civilizations are considered short-sighted.
They are always greedy for more, but in the end, they end up with nothing,” said Temo, attacking the league once again.

“That has nothing to do with you.
Nothing is worse than trash like your people, who would stab one of their own,” said Domo.

“Peasant, this is my ship.
Do you want me to eject you into space?” said Temo as he stood up in anger.

“Give it a try.
See if my brothers will agree,” replied Domo unyieldingly.

We all felt rather helpless.
The two seemed like they were capable of fighting each other in any situation.
Fortunately, Old Du moved in a timely manner and pushed Domo back into his seat, preventing the conflict from further escalating.

“In fact, Temo isn't completely wrong.
That was the parliament's choice back then.
They had decided to study the tholins for the possibility of obtaining more viruses.
At the same time, they could also harvest the planet for a secondary energy source.
The parliament ordered the explorers to punch through the Tenzing Montes from the Sputnik Planitia to directly reach the Cthulhu Macula,” said Zhang Xingxing.

“No wonder they didn't land directly with spaceships back then,” said Kelly in realization.

Everything that Zhang Xingxing and Kelly had said was something not available in my downloaded knowledge.
Once again, the different treatment between those in different hierarchies of the league was clearly displayed.

“So, what was found after they punched through the mountain range?” asked Zhang Bao'er who, like me, knew nothing about it.

“Following the order, the team of 20 explorers dug into the Tenzing Montes.
They quickly found that the mountain range consisted mainly of nitrogen ice, especially the surface.
There are very few rocks in the mountain range.
Initially, progress was smooth.
But halfway through, they made a new discovery,” said Zhang Xingxing.

“What new discovery?” asked Zhang Bao'er impatiently while everyone else waited in anticipation.

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