
”Okay ” Ye Chen took his clothes, he immediately put on his clothes.

Ye Chen quickly put on the clothes he had, now Ye Chen had returned to his poor-looking appearance.

”Let ’s go out ” Ye Chen took Yan Fei and Fairy Zhen out of the Dual Cultivation room, Ye Chen wanted to get some fresh air.

Fairy Zhen and Yan Fei nodded, both of them followed Ye Chen out of the Dual Cultivation chamber.

After leaving the Dual Cultivation chamber, Ye Chen walked around with Fairy Zhen and Yan Fei, enjoying the time he had to strengthen the relationship the three of them had.

Ye Chen wished that he could be close to Fairy Zhen and Yan Fei, that way he could play a game night with the two of them.

Fairy Zhen didn ’t know what Ye Chen was thinking, if Fairy Zhen knew what Ye Chen was thinking, Fairy Zhen, would be very angry with Ye Chen.

Honestly, Fairy Zhen is still not used to this problem, she is not used to having this kind of triangular relationship, so Fairy Zhen is still trying to get used to it.

Ye Chen spent time with Yan Fei and Fairy Zhen for a while, after feeling satisfied to be inside the fairy gate, Yan Fei and Fairy Zhen took Ye Chen out.

Fairy Zhen and Yan Fei still have work to do, both of them are busy people, especially Yan Fei who takes care of Ye Chen ’s business, so they have to get out of the fairy gate.

”Husband, sister, I ’m going, I have to finish my work ” Yan Fei was the first to say goodbye, she had to leave to finish his piled-up work.

”Are you okay when you go alone? ” Ye Chen asked Yan Fei, Ye Chen was still worried about Yan Fei ’s condition.

”I ’m fully recovered, so you don ’t have to worry about me. ” Yan Fei told Ye Chen that she had recovered, so Ye Chen didn ’t have to worry about her.

”Okay, but be careful, ” Ye Chen told Yan Fei to stay careful so as not to experience anything bad.

”Okay, I ’ll do it ” Yan Fei will be careful, he will be careful when she comes back.

Before leaving Yan Fei approached Ye Chen, she started to give Ye Chen a farewell kiss.

Yan Fei kissed Ye Chen ’s lips, the two started to have a passionate, mature kiss.

Fairy Zhen looked very surprised when she saw what Yan Fei did, this Vixen kissed Ye Chen right in front of her.

Yan Fei and Fairy Zhen kissed for a while, after feeling satisfied, Yan Fei immediately left this place.

”Husband, see you later, ” Yan Fei said goodbye and left this place.

Ye Chen didn ’t expect that Yan Fei would do such a bold thing.

”Ye Chen! ! ! ” Ye Chen felt a strong killing aura beside him, when Ye Chen looked at Ye Chen ’s side he found that Fairy Zhen gave off a terrifying aura.

”Ye Chen didn ’t expect Fairy Zhen to be angry about it, it seems she was jealous of what just happened.

”Wife calms down, ” Ye Chen told Fairy Zhen to calm down, he didn ’t want Fairy Zhen to lose her mind because of this matter.

” what .
. ” Fairy Zhen answered Ye Chen in a rude tone, she seemed dissatisfied.

Seeing this situation, Ye Chen couldn ’t help but persuade Fairy Zhen, he persuaded Fairy Zhen in his way.

Ye Chen drew closer to Fairy Zhen, he immediately kissed Fairy Zhen who was nearby.

Fairy Zhen ’s eyes opened wide when she saw Ye Chen kissing her, Fairy Zhen was very surprised by what Ye Chen did.

What Ye Chen did was very fast, Fairy Zhen didn ’t have a chance to dodge Ye Chen ’s attack.

Fairy Zhen couldn ’t resist when Ye Chen kissed her, it seemed that Fairy Zhen was weak against this kind of thing.

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