br>Alright, I think I should be heading off to class now,” replied Zu An.

Jiang Luofu wagged her finger.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

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Zu An subconsciously leaned his head forward, wondering if she was asking him for a goodbye kiss.
Is my charm really that great? Well, I guess it doesn’t hurt me to give a small peck on such a beautiful face.

Perhaps it was out of instinct, but Jiang Luofu suddenly reclined backward, creating some distance between the two of them.
“Where’s the 7,500,000 silver taels you promised?”

Zu An finally realized what she was referring to.
With a sheepish smile, he took off his shoes, pulled out the debt note, and placed it on the table.

“…” Jiang Luofu.

With a face dripping with disdain, she picked up a brush and pried open the debt note with its tip.
When she saw its content, a frown appeared on her face.
“It’s a debt note?”

“With the academy’s influence and your wits, I believe that it won’t be hard for you to squeeze the money out of the Plum Blossom Sect.” Zu An laughed sheepishly.

“I was still wondering why you would be so magnanimous as to donate so much money to the academy… Forget it.
I thought that I was taking advantage of you earlier, but this assuages my conscience.
I’ll help you deal with the matter concerning the slots.
You should hurry to class now,” replied Jiang Luofu.

“Alright! See you, gorgeous principal!” Zu An waved his hand before sprinting off faster than a hare.

Jiang Luofu’s cherry lips curved into a slight smile as she murmured under her breath, “What an interesting lad he is.”

However, when she turned her gaze back to the debt note that was freshly dug out from the fellow’s shoes, her smile immediately froze in place.
Maybe it was just her imagination, but she felt like she could smell an awful stench from it.
She disdainfully stowed the debt note away before tossing the brush into the rubbish bin.

Meanwhile, Zu An leisurely strutted his way to the classroom with a light heart that was finally relieved of the boulder weighing down on it.
Admittedly though, he still felt that it was a waste to give away 7,500,000 silver taels just like that.

Forget it, I’ll just leave it in the gorgeous principal’s hands for a few days as dowry.
I’ll bring her back home together with my money in the future!

If anyone in the academy were to know of his thoughts, their lower jaws would surely fall slack from shock.
There were plenty of men who were fond of Principal Jiang, but he was the only one who dared to harbor such thoughts.

By the time Zu An returned to the classroom, he noticed that the class had already started.
The teacher was a scrawny middle-aged man with oily hair.
He had a center parting that made him stand out even amidst a crowd.

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Zu An discreetly snuck to his seat, but all of a sudden, there was a loud slam on the podium.
“Who allowed you to enter the classroom?”

This loud slam jolted many snoring students awake.
All of them quickly turned their eyes to Zu An.

Zu An thought that it was a bit ludicrous how this fellow was lashing out on him so abruptly.
“You were focused on the lesson earlier, and I didn’t want to interrupt you.
So, I chose to come in quietly.”

“The least you can do is to report your arrival after being late, and yet, you dare to strut in openly like nobody’s business.
This is a blatant show of disrespect for your elders!” the teacher snorted.

Zu An felt a little exasperated.
This teacher was blowing up a small matter for no good reason.
I don’t even know him, so why is he so hostile against me?

Most students in the class were also pleased to see Zu An getting scolded.
Many of them had fallen in despair as they lamented how a man like him could win the fancy of so many beautiful women whereas they were still single, so they were more than happy to see him suffer.

However, Zu An simply replied unhurriedly, “I was late because Principal Jiang summoned me over to have a word.
Teacher, if you don’t believe me, you’re free to ask Principal Jiang about it.”

The middle-aged man choked up on Zu An’s words.
Is this fellow trying to one-up me by bringing the principal into this?

You have successfully trolled Yang Wei for +44 Rage!

Zu An gasped upon seeing the name in the system.
It finally made sense why the middle-aged man looked like this.

Yang Wei felt that there was a need to proceed carefully here.

Is this fellow really related to Principal Jiang? I’ve never seen her getting so involved with a student’s affair before.
I thought that he’s just a normal student and it would be more than easy to deal with him, so I agreed to help that fellow without hesitation.
However, it seems like the matter is more complicated than I thought.

But it’s too late to change my mind now.

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“Why did Principal Jiang summon you?” Yang Wei asked on, hoping to probe deeper into their relationship.

Zu An shrugged.
“She’s just asking me how’s school and if I’m adapting well to school life.”

The frown on Yang Wei’s forehead deepened.
“You should return for your seat first.”

Afterward, he began the lesson, but he couldn’t help but wonder just what the relationship between Zu An and Principal Jiang was.
The Principal Jiang he knew of was not someone who would be so concerned with a student.

But all of a sudden, he recalled that Principal Jiang had been alone all of these years.
Other than the child that was in another class, she didn’t seem to have any relatives or friends.
How could she possibly be related to Zu An?

Most likely, it’s just the Brightmoon Duke asking her to take care of Zu An, so she’s just doing her part in his account.
Hmph! I nearly got duped by him!

You have successfully trolled Yang Wei for +58 Rage!

Zu An was taken aback.
What is wrong with this fellow? Is he really intent on going against me?

He wondered if he had offended this fellow anywhere, but nothing came to mind at all.
Could it be that my good looks have seduced far too many women, and a woman whom he’s interested in is one of them?

“Boss, you’re formidable!” exclaimed Wei Suo.

“There are plenty of things I’m formidable in.
Which one are you referring to?” asked Zu An.

Wei Suo shot up a thumbs up.
Such extraordinary shamelessness… As expected of my boss! “Needless to say, I’m referring to how you won 7,500,000 silver taels from the Silverhook Casino yesterday.
The matter has already spread all around the city, and everyone is curious to know how you managed to do it!”

Zu An laughed humbly.
“Naturally, it’s due to my one-of-a-kind disposition!”

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