a fifth rank senior, and you gambled in the Silverhook Casino and won 7,500,000 silver taels.
How could I possibly be oblivious to who you are?”

I nearly fell into his trap! Yang Wei had long heard that Zu An had a sharp mouth, but he didn’t think that the latter would actually be this formidable.
He reminded himself to keep his guard up so that he wouldn’t be done in like Mei Chaofeng.

Zu An nodded lightly as he continued speaking, “Well, even if you do know me, I wasn’t talking earlier.
As a teacher, you shouldn’t slander your own students.”

“Rubbish! I saw you chatting with your neighboring classmate with my own eyes! Do you think that I, as a teacher, would wrong you?” It was just a moment ago that Yang Wei was happy that he didn’t have to pin a false accusation on Zu An, but who could have thought that the latter would start lying outright?

“That’s hard to say.
As they say, a huge jungle has all kinds of weird birds.” As Yang Wei was already openly hostile to him, Zu An didn’t think that there was a need to hold himself back.
“Since you said that I was chatting with my neighboring classmate, why don’t you present some evidence then? Otherwise, I’ll have to sue you for defamation!”

You have successfully trolled Yang Wei for +666 Rage!

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Yang Wei nearly fainted from anger.
He had always been the one to point fingers at others and accuse them of false charges.
This was the one time that he caught a person in the midst of wrongdoing, but ironically, he found himself unable to punish him!

How the hell am I supposed to find evidence for this? It’s not like there’s a recorder around!

“You have evidence, right?” However, Yang Wei was unwilling to give up just like this.
He turned to Wei Suo and asked sternly, “Speak, did you talk to him earlier?”

Wei Suo blinked his eyes innocently.
“Teacher, I didn’t.”

Zu An secretly shot Wei Suo a thumbs up.
He was still thinking of reminding the latter not to give him away, but it seemed like he was a person who knew how to read the room.
Young lad, you have potential!

“I…” Yang Wei was so angry that he found himself at a loss of words.
The academy’s culture is really getting worse.
Each batch of students is worse than the previous!

Fortunately, Yang Wei had come prepared.
He wouldn’t trip over something as minor as this.
Hah, all you have is your mouth.
I shall show you the absolute difference between us!

Yang Wei took a deep breath to calm himself down before proceeding on, “You claim that you have been earnestly listening to my lesson earlier.
In other words, you should be familiar with what I’ve just taught you, right?”

Many students felt that Yang Wei was being unreasonable here.
In the first place, arithmetic was not a simple subject.
Even if a student was earnestly listening to the lesson, it was unlikely that he would fully understand what was being taught right away.
By this point, it was already clear as day that Yang Wei was picking on Zu An.

Some of the students felt spurred to speak up on Zu An’s behalf—they were still in the hot-blooded phase of their life, after all.
However, to their horror, Zu An actually went along Yang Wei without any hesitation, “Indeed.
The content you are going through is too easy for me.
There’s no way I could possibly not know it.”

This world had the additional mystical element of cultivation, but when it came to other fields of study, it was far lacking behind that of the modern world.

Who do you think I am? I’m a university student who has been through the torture of the National College Entrance Examination! Your arithmetic questions are a child’s play to me!

On the other hand, Yang Wei was delighted to hear Zu An’s response.
You could have chosen to back down, but your arrogance got ahead of yourself!

“This is my first time seeing such an arrogant student! Very well, I’ll come up with 20 questions.
As long as you can answer any of them correctly… No, I mean three of them correctly, I’ll believe that you weren’t lying.
How does that sound?”

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He was confident that Zu An wouldn’t be able to answer even one of them correctly, but when he thought about the incident at Silverhook Casino, he felt that there was a need for him to be a little more conservative.
Perhaps, Zu An might be able to get one right by some stroke of luck, but there was no way he could answer all three correctly!

Watching as everything unfolded, Wei Suo couldn’t help but feel deeply worried.

Yang Wei’s arithmetic class was known to be hard.
When it came to other subjects, the students could still try to get by through memorization, but the same trick didn’t apply to arithmetic.
There was once Yang Wei set the questions a little harder than usual, and everyone ended up flunking the test.
Given that Yang Wei was intentionally picking on Zu An this time around, he was bound to set the hardest questions.
It was unlikely that anyone in the class would be able to answer any of them at all.

Wei Suo was going to warn Zu An about it, but the latter had already accepted the challenge.
“Sure, sound fine to me.
However, what if I manage to answer all of the questions correctly?”

“Answer all of the questions correctly?” Yang Wei burst into laughter, as if he had heard the most hilarious joke in the world.
“If you can get all of them correctly, I’ll resign from the academy and let you take over my position!”

Zu An’s eyes lit up.
“It’s a deal then!”

“Deal!” Yang Wei sneered coldly, wondering if Zu An was out of his mind.

Did you think that the questions I set would be easy? As a Civil Affairs Administrator handling taxes, I have been dealing with arithmetic for decades now! With my experience, I reckon that there no one in the entire prefecture who can surpass me in this field!

That fool must have only seen the papers I have set in the past.
Let me tell you this… I have actually been dumbing down the questions for the sake of the students! I shall go all out this time around and show you how terrifying arithmetic can be!

“What if you can’t answer three questions correctly then?” Yang Wei looked at Zu An provocatively.

“Since you’re willing to put your career in the academy on the line, it’s only fair that I do the same too.
If I’m unable to answer three questions correctly, I’ll leave the academy on my own accord,” replied Zu An.

Yang Wei was overjoyed to hear that.
You sure jumped straight right into my trap! Since that’s the case, don’t blame me then!

Sensing the tense atmosphere between the two of them, the students of the Yellow class began getting fired up.
Regardless of which world one was in, the crowd always loved commotion.
Besides, there were hardly any students in the Yellow class who were interested in studying in the first place.
To them, gambling was much more fun and productive.

So, they began gathering closer to take a closer look.

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