think of it, the other boy always seemed to know what the people around him were thinking.
Maru felt like a friend who wasn’t a friend, someone more akin to an older brother than anything.
“Who said he wasn’t a friend? It’s just… I felt so annoyed at myself.
My middle school life was a mess, so I decided to come here to change things, but here I am.
Nothing happened for the first year of high school.
I didn’t study, I didn’t do anything special, nor did I win any awards.
It’s not like I’m good at something, either.” “And suddenly seeing Daemyung, who you looked down on, suddenly doing well made you jealous?” “Hey, that’s a very mean way to put it.
It’s not like that.
I’m just disappointed in myself.” “Be honest here.
If you want to fix a problem, you need to know what the problem is beforehand.
There’s a bunch of people in this world who live better lives than you, but that didn’t seem to bother you until recently.
You suddenly got angry at yourself after hearing that Daemyung was doing well?” “Yeah! Fine! I’m jealous! I hate him! Is that enough?” He shouldn’t have asked Maru for help.
He expected to hear some words he didn’t want to hear, but not to this degree… ‘…No, maybe I wanted Maru to say something like this to me.’ He was jealous of Daemyung.
He was annoyed, too.
Even someone like Daemyung managed to find a life for himself, and what was he doing? Dojin’s true feelings revealed itself for a split second, making Dojin frown bitterly.
“If you knew what I was just thinking about, you’d think I’m complete trash.
Good god.” “Something about someone like Daemyung doing well, but you can’t?” Dojin looked at Maru dumbly.
“H-how did you know?” “They say people only manage to communicate about 30% of information through words.
The rest is carried through expressions, gestures, and the context of the entire conversation.” “Hah.
Could you not tell Daemyung about this? I’m totally trash, aren’t I? My friend is doing well, and yet all I can think is… ugh.” “You always feel worse when you hear someone close to you is doing well.
The feeling of jealousy is worse depending on how well you know the person.” “Don’t you feel anything about this? After hearing about Daemyung’s opportunity?” Dojin was curious about what Maru thought.
Was he really the only one who thought like this? Right then, Maru looked away with an awkward cough.
For the second time.
Dojin realized then that information really was conveyed mostly through expressions and gestures.
“…You too?” “Yeah, something like that.” “You! When?” “Mine’s actually supposed to be a secret.
Ah, Geunseok probably got a similar contract to Daemyung, though.” “Really?” “Yeah.” “No way.” Dojin suddenly felt very annoyed.
What was he talking to Maru about this for? “Don’t try to hurry,” Maru said.
He continued after crushing the empty cup in his hand.
“Life doesn’t always work the way you want it to.
You can prepare all you want for something, but half the time, it doesn’t go the way you want it to.” “That doesn’t help me at all, you know? Ugh, I feel like I’ve been betrayed.
So I was just getting left out here?” Maru laughed a little, which only managed to provoke Dojin more.
“You guys can only say that because there’s someone watching out for you.
I’m… I just get annoyed.
I’m working just as hard as you, but… This just feels like wasted time.” “I guess it’s fair to see it that way..” “Ugh, aren’t you supposed to say something encouraging here?” “If people could change just through words, I’d use all of those words on you right now, but people don’t change that easily.
Plus, you don’t need any advice or encouragement.
You didn’t do anything wrong, nor is there anything wrong about the way you think.
Daemyung and I were lucky, so we got chosen.
Who knows when this luck would leave us?” “But you guys ended up getting something anyway.” And he was the only one left where he originally started.
While his two friends were advancing on and on.
“What do you want me to tell you?” “……” Hearing that left Dojin a little lost for words.
He was just annoyed.
He knew he didn’t have the right to complain because he never prepared for anything or ever had any goals.
Yet, he felt like he was betrayed somehow.
He thought his two friends would be by his side forever, and yet… “It’s normal to feel jealous, but try not to hang onto that feeling for too long.
Don’t try to lie to yourself either.
Don’t try to ignore Daemyung.
Stuff like that is what ruins relationships.
So just do what you’re good at doing: being honest.
Go to Daemyung and talk to him about it.
He’s probably a little worried as well.” “Hah, but that makes me look like the pathetic one.” “You were, though.” “You…” “But… thanks.” Thanks? Dojin looked at Maru oddly.
“Thanks for telling me your thoughts.
I know that’s a very difficult thing to do.” Maru turned around after patting Dojin’s shoulder.
“Plus, I think it’s good that you’re worried about this at your age.
But don’t try to look too far ahead into the future.
You’re just a high schooler, and life isn’t so easy that it will always follow your plans.
If you’re willing to make plans for yourself, you have to be ready to see those plans get broken.” “You say that, but you’re doing a lot of things already, aren’t you?” “Me?” Maru turned around with a slight grin.
“Well, I’m doing this because I know a bunch of things.
So I’m trying it all.” Know a bunch of things? Dojin thought about those words for a second before frowning.
“Ah, whatever.
I’m just going to say I’m jealous that you guys are doing well.
So what if I feel pathetic? I should talk to Daemyung about this as well.” “There’s the Dojin I know.” “But if you guys do well, I’m going to leech off of you two hard.
You better be prepared.” “Any time.
I’m willing to feed a friend whenever I can.” Something told Dojin that Maru was being honest.
Perhaps Maru would really lend him a room if he really needed it.
It’s practice time already.” Maru gestured towards the stairs.

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