Well that was that , the forums had exploded completely , the Elites had completely crushed the opposition with tangible results .

Well Orochimaru was in deep with the Ambani corporation , for his wrong information , he had a lot of heat on himself with the superiors , especially when this was the first ever important information that he relayed back as a spy turned out to be soo wrong.

Orochimaru was left scratching his head as to how did the Elites clear the dungeon when. He saw Rudra and the rest back here at the guild.

However the exitement in the guild gave him his answers , following the announcement , the guild members lined up to welcome back a victorious vice guild master .

Everyone was in high spirits as praises rained down on Karna as he walked through the guild premises , the players were clapping , the wolves were howling , it was a jolly atmosphere , and at the end towards the guild hall , was Rudra with a cheeky smile , clapping towards the returning hero .

Well nobody had more emotions right now than Karna , today , right here in this moment , he finally truly became the vice guild master of the guild.

Although the True Elites were a guild banded with incredibly talented players , everyone here knew that this supercars engine was the guild leader Shakuni.

And although everyone played a role in the current success that the guild has , he as the vice guild master had done nothing to make him standout as a greater contributor to the guild.

Wether it was leadership , or recruiting or getting the members out of a jam , everything was handled by Rudra , and he had became an afterthought in the guild.Although Rudra showed immense confidence in him , and his skills were at par with the standard bere , the truth was he was a special recruitment , and had not gone through the normal procedure , also his status as vice guild master was given to repay a favour that Rudra owed him , not something he earned . Now finally he could hold his head high , as he showed his real worth to the guild, well not just the dungeon clear ….. The loot he brought back was the real winner.

Everyone was exited for that fact , as the guild members swarmed him asking for details on the expedition. Amongst the swarm was also Orochimaru , keen to understand where he went wrong.

Karna smiled at all the enthusiasm but he said ” Yes , guys i found the treasure , and yes we earned a lot lot , however before i disclose the contents id need to talk to guild master as to what or what not to censor. The things we got are worthy as being kept as guild secrets ”.

” OOOOOOOOOO , And OHHHHHHHH ” rained in the crowd as everyone teased Karna for being such a party popper.

Karna did not mind. He was a responsible guy , he would not get carried away despite the situation. However he wanted to show off just a bit hence he said.

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