MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 444: Mega War (7) : Backstabbing

Rudra and the Elites took nearly one hour to push the enemies 50 meter away from the wall. Definitely it was only possible with the help of Hazelgroove kingdom forces and the Elves on the walls , but nonetheless they were successful.

The scene became clearer as the distance from the wall increased , as anyone of the enemy forces who tried to go past that point was shot down by the elves.

The line of control set up by the elites was too thin . But the purpose of the Elites holding the line was not to defend the line and not let any enemy passs behind them , but to just stand as a clear differentiator in the complete chaos.

If an enemy did slip behind the line of control they would be shot down , while allies could retreat to safety . As a result there were no opportunities for the enemy forces to launch a sneak attack to damage the integrity of the wall.

Rudra was like a beast on the verge of going on a rampage , barely calm as his eyes darted from enemy to enemy , thinking of a million ways to kill them .

But Rudra was a level headed person , he knew his presence was key to holding this thin line . As he alone was equivalent of an army on the battlefield.

As Yume was on the ground near him , Rudra was in his zone of buffs. Making him stronger than he would be usually. However most of the Hazelgroove forces were under a strong debuff from the eye of Lucifer.

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Rudra had no idea of how the situation was with Emperor Cervantez and Prince Aman , but judging by the explosions in the far away forest he assumed them to be embroiled in a bitter fight.

Rudra badly wanted to get rid off the massive eye towering over the battlefield , but that was not his job. He was given the job to protect Purplehaze city and hold the line of battle hence even if things looked bad , he could not abandon post. That ’s the first rule of military. He needed to trust that the emperor would figure this out somehow.

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