MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 480: Fake It Till You Make It !

Rudra had one move to prove his dominance over pride , as everything depended on what move the mystery box would produce.

Rudra was feeling optimistic as the first spell he took out impaled the demon infront of him , causing visible damage to his armour and body. However he was in for a big dissapointment , as the second move he dished out was a complete bust. It was one of the most basic priest moves which was not even an attack , but a party buff spell called ’ Enhance Strength ’.

Rudra got a 5% buff in strength , having no other party members , the spells effect was useless otherwise.

Rudra cursed his luck , why was the archangel Michael the strongest angel having a useless spell like enhance strength in his arsenal. It was a complete waste of the mystery box ’s one chance as it baffled pride more than it depressed Rudra.


As Rudra gulped in fear , thankfully pride was still patient , or else Rudra would be dead by now . However the show must go on , hence Rudra had to hide his fear and say ” I was just preparing myself for my ULTIMATE spell , it can only show its maximum potential when I ’m at my peak . With this buff I ’m at my peak now , hence now it ’s time for me to give you my best shot. Thankyou for being patient for your death! ”.

Pride scoffed and said ” Bring it ! ”

This was stupid from pride , giving his opponent such leeway In a fight. Had he been serious from the start , then Rudra would have died a thousand times by now. However his sin got in the way of his duty as he was put in this unfavourable situation.

Rudra took a deep breath as he prepared himself to unleash his last surprise move.

After this he no longer held any cards , it was over for him if this failed . With the staked being as high as it could ever be , Rudra used the last mystery move.

At first nothing happened , but then holy mana started to vortex towards Rudra from all directions , as its power seemed to disrupt the very fabric of space inside hell.

The mana circled around Rudra as he faded out of consciousness for a second , his eyes turning golden as the ancient voice spoke through him again ” OO HOLY PHOENIX , THE MOTHER OF TRUE FIRE , THE IMMORTAL , THE GIVER OF NIRVANA , HEED MY CALL TO PURGE THE DEVIL INFRONT OF ME , MANIFEST A SLIVER OF YOUR TRUE FLAME AND BURN THE SOUL OF MY ENEMY.


The holy mana surrounding Rudra took a giant phoenix form , as it combusted into flames , igniting the entire demon town into flames along with it.

The face of the sin of pride was pale as he saw the attack come his way , as he understood this was no longer a game , but the matter of his very survival , as this move threatened to burn his very soul .

Swinging his sword and dancing in a fixed pattern , the sin demon chanted his own mantra to counter Rudra ’s big move . ” OO CEBERUS , THE GATEKEEPER OF HELL , PROTECT THY SUBJECT FROM THE OPPRESSION IT FACES ,


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