unt of baking soda, explaining why the hot spring was a bicarbonate spring.

Since baking soda can be used for cooking, he was investigating whether he could extract it from the water.
However, he didn’t want to harm the natural water by doing so.

Plus, it was possible that the natural baking soda was responsible for keeping the villagers’ dental health in check with its slight alkaline levels.

On top of that, the water contained more aether than water in other parts of the continent.

The water was about 0.1 ppm in Klein’s capital city of Alban, but about 10 ppm in Kaina village.
Meaning it was 100 times more potent.

However, since it was still only 10 ppm, meaning 1 / 100,000, there was no effect on the human body (nor on the mana of said human body).

However, it may help in maintaining the villagers’ dental health.

Jin hadn’t done any clinical trials, so he couldn’t say for sure, but he thought there was a high possibility this was why there were no dental problems in the village.

“Well, it’s about time I go pick up Reinhardt.”

It was 12:30 in the afternoon at Kaina Village.
In Banne, where Reinhardt was, it would be around 9:30 in the morning.

“Be careful, Jin.”

“Heh, I’m looking forward to seeing Reinhardt and Belch.”

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“Big bro, have a safe trip”

With Elsa, Saki and Hannah seeing them off, Jin and Reiko left for Hourai Island using a warp gate.

On their way through the gate,

“How does the oxygen supply work in here?”

Jin asked Butler 50, who oversaw the portal.

“I check the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and ventilate it at fixed intervals using the warp gates.”

Relieved to hear this, Jin continued to Horai Island.

“Welcome back, my lord”

“Good to be back, Rou.
Today, I’m going to bring my friend Reinhardt and his wife to Kaina Village.
Tomorrow or the day after that, I’ll bring you there too.
Does that sound alright? ”

“Yeah, it does.
I’ll be ready to go.

Reinhardt would likely be with his Schwarzritter ‘Noir’ and Belch would be with her automata ‘Neon’.

It was unlikely Noir would be able to pass through the small warp gate Jin had in his carriage.
For this reason, the Falcon 10 was dispatched in advance to assemble a warp gate in the barn at Saki’s house that was large enough to fit both the carriage and Noir through.

For security reasons, the gate was disassembled shortly after each use and had to be reassembled when they returned.

“Is the carriage okay in the ‘warp gate’?”

The warp gate was large enough for a carriage.

If we let them know ahead of time, we’ll be temporarily allowed through security”

Reiko would use a built-in magic communicator to contact Laojun just before the transfer, and they would contact him to get its overseer to loosen security.

After confirming all this, Jin pulled out one of the golem horses he had made the other day.
It would help pull Reinhard’s carriage.

Living horses were hard to care for so Jin preferred his golem ones.

“I’m glad I made a lot.”

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Jin said to himself while riding on his horse.

“… Oh yeah, I have to ask for the horses I lent to Lycia and Pasco …”

That would have to be put off until later because Jin was on his way to pick up Reinhard in Banne, which was a part of the Shouro Empire.

*   *   *

“Hey, is Lord Jin really coming to pick you up today?”

Belch asked Reinhardt, while they were preparing for the journey at Count Randle’s house in Banne.

It was a little past 9.
Clouds covered the sky, and the sunlight was weak.
It wasn’t likely to rain where they were, but the weather looked like it might be different elsewhere.

“Oh, without a doubt”

For the time being, the mana communicator had been kept a secret from Belch, so Reinhardt couldn’t talk on it long, but he had managed to make all the arrangements in a short exchange with Kou.

“Reinhard, safe travels”

The butler, Claude, gave these words as farewell.

This time, due to a private request that only the couple came, Reinhardt and Belch went to their carriage without anyone other than the Schwarzritter Noir and the Automata Neon.

The Randles believed, because Reinhardt was staying inside their territory, there was no danger.

There wouldn’t be any danger, but, as only Rienhardt knew, they weren’t actually planning on staying within the territory.

Just then, Jin and Reiko appear.

“Oh, oh!?”

Reinhardt’s father, Wolfgang, raised his voice startled.
It was his first time seeing a horse-shaped golem.

Naturally, he seemed not to see Jin in the carriage because he was so surprised by the golem.
Claude the butler, was accustomed to the golems, however, so she was unphased.

“Reinhardt, Belch, I’m here to pick you up.”

“Thanks for coming, Jin.”

“Lord Jin, thanks for all your hard work.”

Reinhardt shook hands with Jin.

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