
Seeing those bodies, I found an intense rage burning inside me that I just wanted to go out of my abode and kill any Grimm Monster that my eyes fell on, but I again somehow controlled myself and continued doing my job.

Looking at all the things that Silver Tongue Mambaman has, I could see that it had not only killed a lot of humans but people from its race, there is clear proof of that in its storage.

The things I found in the storage are precious that all the storage I opened till now couldn ’t compare to it. The most precious of all its Origin Water, there are more than fifty liters of Violet Grade Origin Water in its storage.

I was quite shocked seeing that much Origin Water as I know how difficult it is to find one, especially the Violet Grade, people find a few drops while it has a whole big can of it.

Though this fifty liters of Violet Grade Origin water is not as precious as a quarter bottle of while Grade Origin Water, I have. It is still very precious that others would kill for it.

Aside from origin, the storage of Grimm Monster was filled with precious things, but I was not able to find a thing I was looking for. The methods are treasures that could not be found outside; I was quite lucky to find it in the storage of the Grimm Monster.

It is said that one could not practice more than the method in the Knight Stage, and that is applied for everyone, be it Grimm Monsters or humans in Knight Stage, but Rachel had practiced two methods, one is offensive type while other is speed type.

She had practiced the second method; she had said that her Inheritance lets her practice two methods easily and would be able to practice the third if she was able to break the limit.

She and I both had our const.i.tution changed. If she could practice the two methods with her const.i.tution, I might be as well able to do that. To test that I would need a second Mystical Method but unfortunately, I did not have that, and I could not practice the method ’s that Rachel has as they are her Inheritance method, only those with the Inheritance will be able to practice them.

It took me a total of seven minutes to sort all the stuff, and despite seeing all the treasures, the rage that was building inside me did not subsidize, I had just been able to control it, but now I became free, that killing intent again started to build inside me with more force than before.

I just want to go outside and slaughter some monster, but it would be idiotic if I went out in my current state.

So, I did the second most idiotic thing in my rage, and that is to eat a piece of Medicinal Monster core, which is double size the one I ate yesterday. The core of yesterday was already limited to what I can handle, and this one is the double of its sie.

Just ten seconds after eating it, my body had before red, sixty seconds later bleed, and three minutes later, I started to bleed from every point of my body. With my estimation, I have only three more minutes to live; in three more minutes, the energy will go beyond my resilient body could handle, and I will explode.

So I have another three minutes, whether I live or die will depend on how quickly I could call out the little snake.

Two minutes and half minutes later, thirty seconds before my death time, the little snake came out and started to guzzle the medicinal energy in wild abandon that had extended my life clock before eating enough energy that remaining medicinal energy present in my body had become non-threatening to me.

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