My life is a joke.

I watch as yet another mark is deducted from my overall score. I am left with only two points now, out of twenty!


The professor gives us a short bow, satisfied with what he has done evidently and he leaves the class. The moment he goes out almost all eyes in the class turn to me.

I have a freaking two as a score.

I smile nervously as I pack my things, I shove them in to be honest because I would be a fool to let the professor go like that.

I gave too much to attend this class, I can fail.

A test won make me fail.

I can hear whispers follow me as I make my way out of my seat and consequently out of the class. The hallway is a bustling sea of students and I look around frantically, trying to catch a glimpse of the professor.

He wore some multi colored frock, probably something his grandma made for him, so it would definitely stand out. I take a step and walk into the wall.

Not the wall, a person, who is built like a wall.

”Are you crazy! ”

He pushes me back and I stumble back into the class, landing square on my butt.

I look up and sure enough someone with blonde hair and green eyes stares back at me with disgust in his eyes. I do not have the time for this.

I need to get to the professor.

I stand up and shake my head. Emotions have a weird effect on me, fear makes me slow and sloppy. I can seem to think straight anymore.

I take a deep breath.

Okay Alex. Relax. Relax.

I feel some of the tension melt away and the moment it does I bolt out of the class.

The professor is no more in the hallway, thats for sure, so hes either in the teachers lounge or hes headed to the parking lot.

Hell need his car if he wants to get home. I am stuck at a crossroads.

I go to the parking lot first.

The students of Mulrim high all look at me as I pass.

I smell bad, my hair is a mess, my shoelaces are probably untied and my uniform is dirty.

They all feel Im weird anyways so whats the use of proving them wrong.

I push the doors open and make my way down the stairs. Someone tries to trip me and I jump over the outstretched leg. Someone throws a piece of paper at me and it hits me on the cheek.

At least it wasn gum this time.

I run the rest of the way to the parking lot, the tears at the back of my throat making it feel bitter and stinging my eyes as I try my best to blink them back.

I can fail this class. Human interaction is supposed to be the easiest. I can lose all that I have been working for because of that.

The human interactions professor is a lanky man, with thinning brown hair with specks of silver in them a

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