he was here to complete her mother’s last wish and would leave as soon as it was done.

As Qiao Yue’s arrival was too peculiar, the servant did not report her arrival to the old master.
Instead, he asked the third Madam, who was at home.

In the servants’ eyes, the third Madam was a good-tempered person.
After all, she didn’t birth a son in such a big family and couldn’t say much.
So, this Madam had always been a person who’s not competitive.

“My health hasn’t been good lately.
Let Xin’er and Ying’er go and entertain the guest! We’ll discuss the other things when big brother and the others are home!”

“Yes, Madam,”

The servant then went to look for the two young misses.
At the same time, he sighed for the fifth young master.
Miss Ying’er had a good temper like her mother, but Miss Xin’er… Sigh!

In the living room, Qiao Yue was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee.

The servant had asked her to wait here just now but she didn’t know what or whom for.
For old master Qiao? But that’s impossible.
Shouldn’t the servant bring her to the elder instead of letting the old master come over?

Just as Qiao Yue mind wondered, a female voice sounded, “Yo! Where did this country bumpkin come from? Is he here to take advantage of our family? The Qiao family doesn’t have any family member or friend with such disheveled clothes and body…”

The girl stopped talking the moment Qiao Yue turned around.

When the girl saw Qiao Yue’s back just now, she only saw Qiao Yue’s clothes and thought that he was a sloppy-looking boy.
She didn’t expect Qiao Yue to look so sunny and handsome when he turned around.

But Qiao Xin was dazed for only a second before she said, “Oh, it’s the boy from a remote village who says that he’s my aunt’s son.
Who knows if it’s true? There are many people who want to be instantly rich these days.”

Qiao Ying didn’t expect Qiao Xin’s words to be so sarcastic.
She quickly pulled on her sister’s sleeve, motioning her to stop.

Qiao Yue smiled, her expression unchanged in the face of Qiao Xin’s ridicule, but her eyes vaguely revealed the kind of care that one had for the mentally disabled.

Qiao Ying didn’t know if she was wrong, but she felt that her fifth brother seemed to be disdainful of Qiao Xin’s behavior.

“I was invited back by Qiao Jing and Qiao Ze.
If Miss Qiao is unhappy with the results, why don’t you go and ask your second and third brothers?” Qiao Yue replied politely, her expression unchanged.

Qiao Yue had absolutely no interest in childish arguments.

“You! Your mom had embarrassed the Qiao family by eloping with someone back then! If you still have any self-esteem, you should leave the Qiao residence on your own accord! Don’t even think about taking advantage of us!

Thank you for reading on myboxnovel.com

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