was already eating his corpse, I don ’t know what happened in between. ”

Peter turned out to be quite an impressive actor.
He looked frightened and worried, and everyone there bought it, even Vorden believed him in the end, even though he was unsure at first.
Although, there was one exception.

”He ’s lying. ” The system said.

”What do you mean? ” Quinn asked.

”Remember how I said that he would be required to eat human flesh.
The worst-case scenario would be him losing control tomorrow.
Even then the process would have been slower than this.
He would have gotten hunger pangs first, and later he would slowly become unstable.
You would have also felt the connection between the two of you grow weaker as he got more hungry.
If you want to find out the truth, here is my advice, this is what you need to do…. ”

Quinn then stepped forward, in front of the others, with a serious look on his face as he confronted Peter.

”You need to tell me the truth, Peter.
Why did you kill him? ” As Quinn asked this question, he bit down on his thumb using his fang.
He then lifted his hand, and like some type of magnet, Peter was attracted to it.

Peter immediately leapt up from where he was and started to suck on Quinn ’s thumb, absorbing the blood into his body.
The connection between the two started to grow stronger again, and both of their eyes started to glow.

”Stop, stand back! ” Quinn said in an authoritative voice, making Peter do as he was told and stand back.

”Now tell me, why did you kill that student? ” Quinn again used that authoritative voice.

Peter ’s eyes lit up red and he felt like an urge to answer truthfully.
It was like a magic truth spell, it forced Peter to be truthful with his master.
He immediately started telling Quinn the truth.

”Earl, if it was anyone that deserved to die, it was him.
Any day, whenever I was on my own and when your backs were turned from me, he would come to torture me.
If I didn ’t obey, he would snap my fingers.
Then, they had a healer come by and heal it again, proceeding to repeat the process of torturing me. ” Peter articulated his reasoning, sighing before continuing.

He saw me as an easy target.
If I wanted to get away from the pain, I had no choice but to follow his orders.
After I met with Duke I got rewarded with the ability books, but he didn ’t get anything from Duke, so he wanted to take his anger out on me.

He took me to that alley with a plan to beat me, just to satisfy his own need to be in control.
But this time I finally had the power to fight back, so I decided to show him he can ’t mess with me anymore, he had it coming and he deserved everything he got.
Eating him was just a little bonus, and I might have overdone it a bit. ”

Hearing the truth come out of Peter ’s mouth made Quinn feel a lot better.
If he had done it for pleasure, or because his mind had been overcome with the hunger for human flesh, it would have made Quinn truly fearful.
However, Peter had a good reason, even though it was a bit extreme.

At the moment, the way the school and the whole world worked, anyone who suddenly rose in power drastically would stand up and retaliate to their suppressors.
It was just the way the system worked.
Of course, this didn ’t happen very often, because most people didn ’t have a way to grow in power faster than their oppressors, not like Quinn and Peter anyhow.

”Peter your actions aren ’t wrong, and if I was in your shoes I would have done the same thing, ” Vorden said.
”But here is where you and I are different.
Your actions also put Quinn in danger.
If you ’re caught, there is always a chance that it could lead back to him.
And what ’s even more, we are involved as well. ” Vorden glared at Peter before continuing, ”I plan to take my revenge on Duke and Momo in our second year, but when I do I will do it carefully, so no one else gets hurt. ”

When Vorden said this, he was also talking about himself.
What happened to Peter made him feel like it was a reflection of his own actions.
It was only because Vorden chose to hang out with them, which upset the order of things at the school, and then started to target the second years, that Duke seemed to have it out for him.
And to get close to Vorden, he targeted his friends first.

It was the reason why he couldn ’t completely blame Peter for his actions.

With everything out in the open, there was no more use talking about it.
It was best if they never spoke of what happened again, but all of them knew that it would have to be brought up soon.

”System, is there any way for Peter to stop consuming meat? Any way at all? ” Quinn asked.

”Of course there is, but you ’re not going to like the answer I ’m about to give you. ” The system said.
”Just like yourself when you consume blood, you grow stronger, the same goes for Peter when he eats human flesh.
Although for him there is a limit.
Eventually, he will grow so strong that he will be able to evolve and will no longer require human flesh. ”

As the system said, Quinn didn ’t like this answer at all.
The solution to Peter no longer requiring to eat human flesh was to eat more human flesh.

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