the details of how to do so.

“Time’s up, all noble heirs must place back the tomes.
If anyone dares to secretly steal some, even death is not harsh enough!”

At this moment the Blood Condensation cultivator once again appeared.
His cold shout was transmitted to everyone’s ears, and everyone hurriedly placed back the tomes in their hands.

A couple people who still wanted to continue sighed and shook their heads.
The Phoenix Cry Empire was truly exceedingly strict with Battle Skills.
Every month they would only have half a day to study here.

Many people had to spend several months’ time just to learn a single Battle Skill.
But although they were discontented, no one would dare to complain.

Long Chen looked up slightly surprised.
He hadn’t expected that the time would pass by this quick.
But if other people were to learn that Long Chen had used just a short four hours to completely memorize two Battle Skills, they might be shocked to the point their jaws would hit the ground.

Within the recordings of a Battle Skill were extremely cryptic and difficult to understand portions, especially with regards to some of the terms about moving spiritual energy and Qi around specific meridians.
And what confounded people even more was attempting to practice moving their spiritual energy in such a complicated way while also reading.

Leaving the Imperial College, Long Chen said his farewells to fatty Yu and the others before going up to Shi Feng and whispering a couple things.

When Shi Feng heard what Long Chen was saying, his whole face burst into shock, and although he quickly suppressed it back to his normal expression, he was unable to conceal the shock in his eyes.

Returning home, Long Chen saw that the room where he had condensed the FengFu Star had been cleaned up; however at the moment it still wasn’t safe for people to live in due to how heavily he had damaged it.
Luckily his family estate had many rooms and they had prepared a new one for him.

First he went to his mother’s room in order to assure her he was alright.
Many things had consecutively come up during these days, causing Mrs.
Long to become agitated and worried.

Ever since Long Chen woke up it seemed like he had changed and became a completely different person, causing her to feel a trace of unfamiliarity.

However the good thing was that Long Chen had already adjusted himself, and after accompanying and talking to his mother for a while she calmed down by quite a bit; only he still didn’t tell her about the life-and-death battle he had with Li Hao.

Leaving his mother’s side, Long Chen returned to his room.
Locking his door, he directly swallowed the second FengFu Pill.

Following the absorption of the second FengFu Pill, the FengFu Star on the bottom of Long Chen’s foot once again expanded a bit.

Along with the expansion, the FengFu Star’s ability to store spiritual energy once again increased, just like a Dantian.

However the current FengFu Star was still in an embryonic form, and in order for it to take its complete form, countless number of FengFu Pills were still required.

That was also why Long Chen had been so dismayed when he had first acquired and learned the method to train in the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art.

Currently he had consumed two FengFu Pills that were worth several hundred thousand gold coins and yet his FengFu Star was still in its embryonic form.
He was still extremely far off if he wanted it to reach the completely condensed star stage.
Furthermore it seemed there was a level beyond even that, which was something he still didn’t know anything about.
Just the FengFu Star was basically a bottomless pit that required filling.

But Long Chen knew that the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art was the only technique he could use.
If not, he could only be mediocre his entire life.
In fact, he wouldn’t even match up to an ordinary person.
Without using the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art, his only fate would be to sink down to become a weak person that would be constantly taken advantage of.

It took him four hours to fully absorb this FengFu Pill.
His FengFu Star’s embryonic form had increased slightly in size, allowing him to control a greater amount of spiritual energy.

By now it was already the middle of the night.
Long Chen stealthily left his room and entered into firewood room.
Taking a deep breath, he began to slowly train in the Spirit of the Bull.
Long Chen was already extremely familiar with his meridians, so this low grade Battle Skill was something he could master as soon as he started, and there was not even the slightest problem.

He walked over to a stone grinder that weighed over half a tonne and was normally used to crush up rice crops.

Holding it with both hands, he lifted.


The huge stone grinder rose into the air, and Long Chen’s impression was that he still had some strength leftover.
Nowadays his strength should be enough to lift around 750 kilograms.

However, his strength before when Zhou Yaoyang had beat him was only 75 kilograms.
Compared to before it was now increased dramatically by ten times.

“Excellent, not including other factors, just by relying on my current body strength I can probably match up to people at the fifth Heavenstage of Qi Condensation.”

Long Chen couldn’t help but to feel somewhat excited, and at the same time he looked even more forward to training in the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art.
Right now he had only condensed an embryonic form and his power had raised by such an enormous amount; if he were to truly condense the complete FengFu Star, then just what kind of level could his power rise to?

Hesitating for a long while, finally Long Chen couldn’t resist the urge to continue testing.
Setting himself up, the air near his foot started to slowly fluctuate and a scorching power swept from his foot and through his meridians, slowly collecting into his fist.

Fist of the Bull!


Long Chen’s fist smashed onto the stone grinder, and with an explosive bang the stone grinder was forced into the air and firmly slammed into the wall, causing the entire wall to break down.

Long Chen couldn’t help but to foolishly stare at the powerful force.
Originally he had just wanted to experiment a bit with the power; he hadn’t expected it would cause such a huge disturbance.

From outside the room, other people were all awoken and alarmed.
Knowing that he had caused a huge disturbance, he quickly slipped back into his room and lied down to sleep.

However he was simply too excited to sleep, almost to the point of wanting to dance for joy.

Nine Star Hegemon Body Art… just what level had this cultivation technique reached? If all nine Stars were condensed, then just what kind of power would be produced?

Long Chen was simply too excited and ended up being unable to fall asleep the whole night.
When first glimmer of the sun’s rising lit up his room, he slowly opened his eyes.

“Hehe, want to take parts of my body? Quite a big dream; too bad you’re not able to reach it.”

After rising and washing his face, he heard that the servants were still discussing what had happened last night in the firewood room.
Welcoming the rising sun, Long Chen couldn’t stop a certain thought from emerging from his heart:

“Today’s a good day.
I feel like I can accomplish anything.”

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