tween them indicate that Shillong is indeed her child.

No matter how abnormal he is…

Four years later, the sun was shining brightly.

Today, Viola and her children were inside the cave.
She looked seriously at Shillong and sad.

“Little Shillong! Your growth is a little bit beyond my expectations.
In just five years, you grew to be so big.
Follow me, your mother wants to see your strength.”

This is a ritual unique to the Neutral Good Metal dragon family.

Usually, after a young dragon becomes 10 years old, when they are about to reach the young dragon stage, they supervise them as they hunt their first prey alone.

However, this set of rules is obviously not suitable for Shillong.
His size is already equal to a 50-60 old dragon.

”Do I have to go out? Mom, can’t we wait a few years until I become a little older?” Shillong said reluctantly.

Although his current lifestyle is very boring, he is cautious by nature.
From his perspective, the outside world is mysterious and dangerous, he still wants to grow a bit more before going out.

It’s like playing a game.
Shillong is the type of person that likes to level up to a high level in the novice village, then go confidently go outside.


Viola was a little speechless for Shillong’s cautious nature.
After a short silence, she tried comforting him.

“Don’t worry, mom will always be by your side.
Baby, I just want to see if your size is proportional to your power”

”All right.” Shillong nodded in agreement.

The two dragons walked out of the cave one after the other.
Arman, who has been quietly listening on the side, slowly followed behind them.
He also wants to go.

Viola stopped moving, then turned around and said.

“Arman, you should stay at home and watch your younger siblings.”

Mom, you can rest assured, I will definitely take good care of the two of them.”

Arman, who originally wanted to go out together, replied obediently.
As a good child, he must listen to his mother!

Watching the two big dragons leave, Arman couldn’t help but complain.

“Shillong, How could you grow so fast? Damn! Why is my growth so slow! I also want to be that big!”


The two wyverns behind him cried cutely.

Arman looked back at the two wyverns, which are much smaller than him, and felt much more comfortable.


After going outside, the two dragons quickly flew into the sky and started looking for prey.

Flying is a dragon’s natural instinct, Shillong has learned to fly a few years ago.

With his excellent eyesight, he could clearly see everything on the ground at a height of over 100 meters.

After searching for a while, Viola dived down, bringing Shillong with her.

A bison-like beast appeared in front of the two dragons.
Compared to the bulls Shillong saw in his previous life, this bull can be counted as a giant.

However, that’s just compared to its normal bison.
In front of Shillong and Viola, it’s very small.

Its height is about 3 meters, which is just a bit higher than Arman,

The arrival of the two dragons scared the bison greatly.


Crying out in fear, it turned around and ran.

Shillong used his four limbs to chase it at a very high speed.
All the trees on the way were brutally broken by him.

In the blink of an eye, Shillong appeared behind the bison.
Then, using his giant claws, he slapped the bison on its back.

Without having the chance to either cry or even fail pain, the bison turned a pile of meat sauce…

”It seems that these ordinary animals aren’t a challenge for you at all,” Viola said with a look of surprise on her face.

Then, without paying attention to the Bison that turned into a meat sauce, she led Shillong away, flying back into the sky.

This time, they flew even higher, reaching the height of 1 kilometer above the surface.

Viola led Shillong to continue searching for prey.
This time, because of the high altitude, she didn’t plan to go down with him.
She pointed at a giant wolf on the ground and said.

“Little Shillong, have you seen that wolf? That’s your opponent this time!!”

Shillong looked seriously at the giant wolf below.
It might look small due to their current altitude, but Shillong knew that it’s not small at all.
It’s at least as big as him.

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