1.2 – The Admiral's One-Night Stand

Luo Ran felt helpless.


Luo Ran got up and went to the bathroom, getting ready to wash himself.


It’s not that he’s slacking off, it’s just that he couldn’t get up at all yesterday.


Standing in front of the mirror, Luo Ran removed his clothes.
As soon as he took off his pajamas, large and small bruises, along with ambiguous red marks on his body were revealed, like a colorful palette.






Luo Ran quickly looked away.


Just the night before yesterday, he and Admiral Lucas went to a banquet at the Morton Hotel.
Lucas was so fed up, he went upstairs to rest in his room.


Luo Ran socialized for a while longer and planned to go upstairs to find Lucas.
As soon as he pushed the door open, Lucas pressed him down.


No one can resist an SSS-level Alpha in heat, whether it was pheromone or strength.
In particular, Luo Ran is an Omega and was naturally suppressed by an Alpha’s pheromone.


Lucas had no idea who had drugged him, and Luo Ran was a little drunk.
The pheromone had affected him, and for a moment he didn’t think of the consequences.


The next morning, Luo Ran got up and immediately feld.
When he arrived at home, he immediately came down with a fever.
His body was in so much pain, he couldn’t even move.


After resting for a day, Luo Ran was finally able to get out of bed.


Luo Ran stared at the wall.


Having rolled in the sheets with his boss, who he had spent six years working for, his mind was in chaos.




But it was an accident, and Lucas shouldn’t care about it.


…Shouldn’t he?


Yes, it was just an accident, and since he was known as a “Beta” to the outside world, there was no need to worry about it.


Luo Ran took a deep breath and cleared his mind.
He changed into a neat suit, sprayed on a pheromone neutralizing spray to hide his pheromones, and stepped out of the door appearing as the Admiral Secretary of the Empire; renowned for his elegant appearance and strategic mind. 



The elegant and calm secretary returned to the company.
The people in the Secretary’s Office saw Luo Ran push open the door, with a smile on his face, holding a folder in one hand and a bag of breakfast in the other.


“Good morning, sorry I suddenly asked for leave and caused trouble for everyone.”


Luo Ran had a gentle appearance and was good-natured.
His long, soft, straight silver hair was neatly tied into a ponytail at the back of his head.


It stands to reason that men who have long hair appear more feminine, but this was not the case  when it comes to Luo Ran.
It may also be that Luo Ran’s temperament and appearance didn’t make him appear feminine.


At that moment, in the eyes of the Secretary’s Office, Luo Ran appeared almost like an angel.


“Secretary Luo…!”


“Luo Ran!”


“Secretary Luo, you’re back…!”


“Yes, I’m back.” Luo Ran placed the breakfast bag on the table and said: “To make amends.”


Luo Ran then picked up his folder, walked towards his desk and was once again, shocked by what he saw.




On the table were stacks of paperwork towering over him.
At the top of the tallest stack, a pile of folders leaning against the wall were all piled to the ceiling.


….Being a Secretary is not a job for the weak and faint hearted.


“Secretary Luo, you’re back.”


Luo Ran straightened up when he heard the Captain of Lucas’s bodyguard team had arrived.


“Just in time to report to the Admiral.
The Admiral has told me to turn over the investigation to you when you return.”


Anyway, Luo Ran had always done everything for Lucas, and was used to it by now.
He curiously asked: “What are you looking for?”


The Captain said, “The Admiral’s one-night stand.”


Luo Ran: “…?”


Luo Ran, with a smile still on his face, calmly asked, “What one-night stand?”


“Ah… Secretary Luo returned the night before, and doesn’t know.
When the Admiral was at the hotel, his drink was drugged, and he had a one-night stand with an unknown Male Omega.”


Luo Ran: “…So the Admiral wants to go after that man now?”




As they spoke, they arrived in front of Admiral Lucas’s office.
Pushing open the door of the office, Admiral Lucas, the Imperial Shura General, was sitting at his desk.
He was leaning back in his chair with his arms folded across his chest, and his legs were directly placed on the table, looking rough and casual.


As soon as you step into the room, you can smell the sharp, oppressive pheromone in the air and the temperature of the room seemed to have dropped to zero.


But when Luo Ran saw the face again, he could not help but remember the man’s appearance that night.


…It’s too shameful.


How terrible.


Luo Ran adjusted his breath and tone.
“Admiral,” he said with a smile.


Lucas opened his eyes and snorted coldly.
“Where were you yesterday?”


The tone was very, very disapproving.


“I was ill yesterday.
It happened suddenly.
I’m sorry.”


“Sick?” Lucas frowned slightly.


“It’s no big deal.
It’s all right.” Luo Ran changed the subject.
“I heard the Admiral was after the mysterious man?”


“Ha!” Lucas was furious.
He slammed his hand on the table.
“And where were you the night before? My drink was drugged, my room was broken into, and you didn’t know any of that?”


Luo Ran: “……”



Why do you sound aggrieved, huh?


“Sorry, I went home early the night before.
What’s the Admiral going to do when he finds that man?”


Lucas’s tone was murderous: “What did you say? What else could I have planned? Just directly kill him!”




The person in question was extremely scared.


Luo Ran thought that he was stupid.


How could he forget what kind of character Lucas was? He stepped into the battlefield at the age of 13 and came out at the age of 21.
He was used to fighting and killing.
He hated trouble and couldn’t even stand having a bit of sand in his eyes.


The personality soaked in the battlefield, appears sharp and fierce in daily life.


Not to mention that Lucas usually feels sick when in contact with others, but now he was drugged and managed to hit a home run with someone.


Of course, Luo Ran didn’t dare to tell Lucas that he wasn’t the one who drugged him.
He was only responsible for “climbing into the bed”.


He didn’t have a death wish.


Fortunately, Luo Ran was not an ordinary person.
At this moment, his face still retained a professional expression: “In any case, this matter is not simple.
The drug from that night needs to be thoroughly investigated.”


“Hurry up.” Lucas frowned: “This has never happened before.
I don’t know what to do!”


Luo Ran took a few steps forward and said, “Admiral, don’t be angry, I will try my best.”


…Do what you can to make sure Lucas can’t find anything and save his life.


His Omega identity and what happened the night before must remain hidden.


Luo Ran warmly said: “The Admiral should not be angry about these trivial matters.
There will be military inspections in the afternoon.”


“Trivial? I’ve made a temporary mark on a no-good stranger I don’t know and that is considered to be trivial?!”


“Hmm…” The no-good stranger—Luo Ran said: “Admiral, don’t be angry, it’s okay.
The temporary mark won’t last forever, nor will it affect you.
I will definitely help you find out who it was, do not worry.”


Luo Ran said in his heart that Lucas was too difficult to deal with.


I couldn’t get out of bed all day because of the grumpy Alpha in front of me, and now I have to coax him.


…Being a secretary is simply not a job for the weak and faint hearted.

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