s? —‘Cause I don’t like this town.”

Upon hearing that, Arca sighed as if she was amazed.
“Good grief, to act violently just because you don’t like something, you sure a handful one.”

“Hah, what does a newcomer like ya’ know.
Y’all knows nothing.
—Everything ain’t as it seems on the surface.”

“…Fumu.” Arca made a thoughtful gesture, seemingly had fallen into thought.

Ophir then got back on top of the monster and said, “Well, let’s just end this meeting as greetings between saintesses.
As long as ya’ don’t get in my way, I’m not gonna make a move on ya’.
Have fun playin’ with your man.”

“Fumu, that’s a really good suggestion… Last question.
What are you planning to do to this town?” Arca asked.

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Ophir proudly shouldered her Holy Axe and said, “Seriously, ain’t it obvious? I’m gonna… crush this town to the ground!”

◇ ◇

After a brief run of rampaging, Ophir and her gang of bandits left the town.

According to the story from the innkeeper I heard later on, they seemed to be making use of the ruins in the desert as their hideout.

Of course, I’d tried to stop the bandits as well, but at Arca’s suggestion, I’d decided not to interfere and just observe the situation.

As a result, I’d found something odd.

Ophir and her gang didn’t attack people indiscriminately.

They didn’t attack the weak such as children and the elderly; they had only gone for the merchants.

I wasn’t sure what was the deal with that, but the whole time, Arca’d seemed to be preoccupied in what Ophir had said: “Everything isn’t as it seems on the surface.”

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“Please forgive me… if only I hadn’t gotten a heatstroke…”

In any case, back to the present.
As we were finishing dinner, Magmell bowed her head.

Seemed like there was a stark contrast in temperature between day and night around here, and now it had become a little cooler.

“No, you don’t have to fret over it.
More importantly, has your body gotten better?”

“Yes, I’ve become completely fine thanks to you.
I’m sorry for the inconvenience I caused.” Magmell bowed again.

I gave her a relieved smile, before asking Arca who had been silent for some time.
“Are you still bothered by Ophir’s words?”

“Well, yeah.
She’s certainly just an annoying Ogre at first glance, but I noticed something from observing them.”

“You noticed something?”

“Ahh,” nodding, Arca confidently said, “they covered their faces, but those bandits—are all just kids who aren’t of age.”

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