r>Its yellow eyes were large––disproportionately large––and they were located at the two corners on the top of the square.
Its small mouth was protruding forwards, and it had thick lips that were as sexy as European and American celebrities.
It was as if it was saying, ”Don ’t talk––kiss me! ”

In addition, its pectoral and dorsal fins were nearly transparent.

It was dark when Welder Zhao went to buy the fish.
He bought the fish because he found it very interesting, and to make his grandson and granddaughter happy.

Electrician Wu glared at Welder Zhao, then he carefully asked, ”Store Manager Zhang, just say it straight––is this fish poisonous, or does it have spines? ”

His straightforwardness was abrupt.
Zhang Zian didn ’t know whether to cry or laugh, but he explained, ”This is a papaya fish.
The golden yellow papaya fish is also known as the yellow boxfish, and it is you said… This fish is indeed poisonous. ”

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Electrician Wu erupted.
He really wanted to give Welder Zhao a few slaps across his face.
In just one d*mn tank of fish, there were two fish that were poisonous!

”However, don ’t worry too much.
Although this fish is poisonous, as long as you don ’t eat it, its poison will only affect the other fish.
It is not poisonous to humans, ” Zhang Zian said.

Welder Zhao continued to act tough.
”I noticed that the fish was bright and scary when I bought it, so I had guessed that it was poisonous… I had plans to raise it alone… ”

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Zhang Zian quickly interrupted, ”The scientific name of this fish is ostracion cubicus, and it ’s known as the yellow boxfish in foreign countries.
Chinese fisherman call it a papaya fish… In fact, I just don ’t see where it resembles a papaya.
Instead, the name yellow boxfish seems more fitting.
Although it ’s small in size, when it gets scared, it secretes strong neurotoxins that could poison the whole tank.
The most tragic thing is that even though it released the toxins in order to defend itself, it usually loses its own life due to its own poison because it can ’t immunize itself… If you don ’t wish to restart your entire tank, it ’s best not to mix this fish with other fish and corals. ”

When Welder Zhao heard what Zian said, he quickly picked up the fishnet and went to scoop out the papaya fish to prevent it from releasing its poison and killing all the other fish.
He was quickly stopped by Zhang Zian.

”Master Zhao, don ’t take it out now.
Wait for the other fish to be scooped out, then leave it alone.
What if it gets scared while you are scooping it out? ” Zhang Zian asked him.

Welder Zhao hit his own head.
”That ’s right! I forgot all about it in a panic! Aye! After all, I ’m old now! ”

Electrician Wu then asked, ”Are the other fish not dangerous? ”

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Zhang Zian looked again and nodded.
”Don ’t worry, the other fish are safe.
There isn ’t any danger. ”

”That ’s good then. ” Electrician Wu finally rested assured.

Electrician Wu was scolding him from the side while Welder Zhao was arguing with him as he scooped the fish out.
The two old men took turns saying a sentence each, and although they seemed to be quarreling, both of them didn ’t take it to heart.

Zhang Zian looked at the time.
”Master Wu, Master Zhao, you guys can continue.
I have things to do so I need to head out. ”

Electrician Wu handed over the small fish tank that contained the blue knife snapper to Zhang Zian.
He said, embarrassed, ”Thank you, Store Manager Zhang.
I ’m sorry to have troubled you… ”

”It ’s nothing.
It was on the way. ” Zhang Zian called Vladimir, who was looking around in the house.
”Vladimir, let ’s go. ”

After Zhang Zian and the blue cat left, Electrician Wu couldn ’t help but laugh.
”This Store Manager Zhang is really interesting.
He actually gave the cat a foreign name… ”

”Wu, didn ’t you learn the Russian language in high school? What does that name mean? ” asked Welder Zhao.

Electrician Wu said with emotion, ”It has already been so many years… Let me think.
Vladimir, in Russian, means ’to dominate the world. ’ ”

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