Chapter 1: To the Immortal You

                      ***Edited by Kronost***


The night darkened as time passed.
It was raining heavily outside the cafe.
The water on the road was about to rise up to the door.


The lamps emitted a warm light in the darkness.
Mixed with the wooden furniture, it made a cozy atmosphere inside the cafe.


Shen Yi turned most of the lights off, leaving only a soft gloom, then turned around and went back behind the bar.


“I don't think there will be any customers today.”


Taking the kettle from the stove, he gently poured some coffee into a cup.
A pleasant aroma exuded from it.
Grabbing the cup he sat by the window, where the only lamp remained, and looked at the night outside.


The glass reflected his thin figure.
Light black hair, and neat and tidy clothes. 

As the heat from the coffee subsided, he took a sip.


“The taste of the coffee I make is the best.”


The country where Shen Yi lives is called Noland and the city, Beland.
A place where the weather is always bad.
The theme of the city is retro British.


Even though he had adjusted to this life and now had the identity of a cafe owner, he still missed the old him in this new world.
He still thought about his old friends and relatives from time to time.
But he was quite satisfied with his new life.
Occasionally the local people would ask him if he was from “Shang Xuan” or “Ying Guo” seeing his hair color.


Confused, he had said he was a scholar of Shang Xuan, probably clarifying the situation.
After a few months of denial, he gradually started accepting reality.


Watching people relax after a day of hard work, and learning about their interesting lives always makes him happy from the bottom of his heart.
Therefore, his pursuit was quite simple: Living a simple and peaceful life in an ordinary cafe.


“It would be nice to always live a simple and peaceful life.
My aim in life is not high.”


 But life did what it best, it backfired.


Just a month ago, around this time, the cafe had suddenly started to shake violently.
He thought there was a major earthquake taking place, and rushed out with valuable things.
The trembling disappeared within a few minutes but the cafe did not seem damaged in any way.
Shen Yi stood outside in a daze, confused pedestrians passing by him.


As soon as the trembling was over, many voices had suddenly emerged in his mind.
The voices were weird and low-pitched, but it lingered in his heart for a long time.


 “Infinite disasters, the source of destruction”

 “The aversion of the White Mist”

“The Lord of Ashes who annihilated the Stars”

  “Presenting to you the Broken Nightmare Soul”

  “Manifest your great existence and make the world quiver”


The weird voices lasted for a few minutes before it disappeared automatically.


Initially, he thought what he had experienced was a result of stress-induced visual hallucinations, and

consoled himself.
However, it did not take long for the trembling and voices to appear again.


Strangely, the beckoning phrases buzzing in his mind were different this time.


  “Take control of everything, overflow the world”

  “The aversion of the Ashes” 

  “The Mist of the White Shores”

  “Presenting to you the Head of the Ancient Dragon”

  “Manifest your great existence and  make the world awe”


'It seemed ….
It was a summoning ritual, and it was different from the previous one.' He couldn't quite figure it out, but he knew he was in trouble.
Such “strange things' happened for the next few days, a different summoning ritual each time.


In addition, the one beckoned in the spell also changed accordingly.


“Lord of the Ashes”, “Mist of the White Shore”, “Spirit of the Ancient”, ” Dream of the Void”, “Ruler of the Chaos”…


One after another, he gradually started understanding what was happening.
He concluded that the strange voices he was hearing should be different mysterious groups performing rituals.
Perhaps they hoped to summon something inaccessible.
However, what made him speechless was that all of them had dialed the wrong ‘phone number'.

For some sort of accident that he couldn't understand, the summoning rituals were all passed to him.


All in all, he had been concerned about the strange situations happening and was not able to sleep properly for the past few days.


Outside, the storm was still howling.
“Sigh.” He took out his mobile phone and looked at the time.

Twelve thirty.

“It's really late, time for me to go to bed.”


Although he didn't really want to sleep, he had to get up, and ran a cafe alone, all by himself.
He had to prepare a lot of things every morning.
So he needed to go to bed early and wake up early.


He folded his hands together, closed his eyes, and wished heartily.

“I hope I can sleep well today.”

However, as fate would have it:  Anything that can go wrong will go wrong

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