k every time he saw her wounds.
She could see his eyes darkening, even though he never said anything.
He would likely suffer for many years to come, every time he saw her scarred legs.

Leah wished desperately that the marks would fade away.
She applied ointment regularly and did everything she could to help the wounds to heal.

Tugging up the skirt of her nightgown, she looked at the healing gashes through their thin bandages.
For a long time, she looked down at the wounds, frowning, but quickly pulled the skirt back down when she heard the door open.
– Posted only on NovelUtopia

The smell of blood reached her nose first.
Ishakan’s hair was as wet as if he had just washed it, and Leah didn’t ask the man who had returned reeking of blood what he had been doing.

“Is she dead?” She asked briefly.

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“No,” Ishakan replied, sweeping his hand through his wet hair.

Seated on the bed, Leah reached out to him.
It was difficult for her to get up by herself.

Letting out a small sigh, Ishakan approached and laid her down on the bed, carefully avoiding her legs.
Gently, he bit her neck, and when Leah pushed him away at the tickling sensation, he just licked at the place he had bitten with his tongue.

“There are many things I still want to do,” Ishakan said as he kissed her neck.
“But if you don’t like it, I can kill her immediately.”

Leah smiled a little, pushing him gently away by the shoulders.
In his golden eyes was an implacable cruelty that he could never satiate, but Leah loved even his cruel side.
Their eyes caught, gazing, and they moved together in an instinctive kiss.
Leah’s lips parted in a soft whisper.

“…Do whatever you want.”

Instead of responding, he only kissed her again, for a long while.

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“Why weren’t you sleeping?” he asked, when he finally stopped.

“I just didn’t feel like it.”

Somehow, she was still afraid that when she woke up, all of this would turn out to be a dream.
She could only feel safe sleeping next to Ishakan.
But of course, she wasn’t going to admit that.
She only hugged him tighter.

Instantly, her mind relaxed, and drowsiness began to overtake him.
Looking at Ishakan with drooping eyes, she struggled to keep them open.


“Tell me, Leah.”

“Tell me…the baby’s name.”

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