As the weather was getting hotter by the day, Qiqi became pickier about food.
She didn’t want to eat anything and had no appetite for it.
Hence Shen Zhonghua enjoyed going to the cooks and embarrassing them, never getting tired.
He ran east and west to search for the world’s most delicious food for Qiqi.

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Thus, Qiqi became pickier about food.
No matter what she liked to eat or how delicious it was, she wouldn’t eat it twice.
Her appetite was getting worse every day.

Despite Shen Zhonghua’s exhausting mental and physical efforts for Qiqi’s appetite, after Qiqi’s big brother was drunk, he still said to him in a fierce manner: “Shen Prince, if Little Seven is thin, our brothers will hang you and beat you up!”

The old six was actually clear-headed, but his speech was always unobstructed, and the way to solve problems was rather rough.
He said straightly: “How much weight Little Seven lost, as an older brother I’ll cut how much flesh on your body to compensate for her!”

Leng Xing hiding in the dark was shocked.
If it weren’t for the fact that these people were his mistress’s maiden family, whichever the court’s important ministers, the sons of the general, he was afraid he had already sacrificed the cyan double-edged sword behind him.

Finally, the fourth older brother Su Shengfeng mentioned a sentence: “It seems like lychee in Lingnan is almost ripe.”

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In short, Shen Zhonghua enlightened people and immediately sent them to Lingnan to heap lychee back for Qiqi.
On the whole journey, the horses had been spurring at full speed.
In order to keep the lychee fresh, Shen Zhonghua directly sent people to dig a lychee tree back.

In fact, Qiqi didn’t really like to eat lychees much before, but everyone misunderstood.
At that time, His Majesty rewarded the rarest evergreen.
Everyone in the residence loved Qiqi.
Naturally, most lychees were given to Qiqi.
She was in a difficult situation, but the evergreen was rare and lychee couldn’t be kept for long so she could only eat them.

Later, Shen Zhonghua sent her another basket so she reluctantly ate a few more.
She couldn’t eat anymore, so she had to secretly share the rest with the servant girls around her and the father, mother, and older brothers.
Qiqi only said everyone doted on her and she still wanted to share good things with her family.
Besides, this was the second time, it was difficult for her father and older brothers to refuse, so they had to take a few one by one, which could be considered as a solution.

However, it may be because her picky eater had a special taste recently.
She originally thought she would never eat lychee again in this life because of eating tired but when she heard lychee was here and they were cool in the ice container, she suddenly wanted to eat it again.

Shen Zhonghua was very happy and personally peeled lychee for Qiqi to eat.
After Qiqi ate more than a dozen, he was afraid that she ate too much and had a fever.
So he hurriedly had someone give Qiqi the chrysanthemum and luo han guo tea to reduce fever.
However, after drinking tea, Qiqi was already a little full and couldn’t eat anymore.

(T/N: a picture of luo han guo (monk fruit) and tea.)

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“I’m full.” Qiqi rubbed her belly, meaning that Shen Zhonghua didn’t have to peel anymore.

“But I’m still hungry.” No one was around so Shen Zhonghua said.

“Then I’ll peel it for you?” Qiqi was really too pure.

Shen Zhonghua looked at her pale cheeks that were raised with redness and brighter than before.
He said with a smile: “I don’t eat lychee, eating Qiqi is better……”

Qiqi was obviously startled and choked on a mouthful of tea by Shen Zhonghua’s impetus.

“Qiqi……” Shen Zhonghua hurriedly embraced Qiqi and patted her back.
But patting and patting, Qiqi no longer coughed, but his hand didn’t separate.
He stroked her back for a while then he changed places to squeeze and rubbed her soft and sweet breasts.
Qiqi was squeezed by him to moan tenderly.
She clamped her legs and reached out in a flurry to grab his hand, reminding him with her small, shy face: “It’s daytime……”

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“It’s better during the day so the husband can see my wife’s lovely expression without the lantern being light……” After saying this, Shen Zhonghua hugged Qiqi and lifted her to the table, then immersed himself to suck her cherry lips and kiss her deeply.
He kissed a little impetuously, and further entangled with Qiqi’s lilac tongue, and sucked.

Ugh…” Qiqi was kissed and bent backward by his oppressive kiss so she had to support herself by pressing her hands against the table.
Shen Zhonghua’s hot breath entangled her, making it difficult for her to breathe so she couldn’t stop gasping for breath repeatedly.
The sound of Qiqi’s gasping was undoubtedly the best aphrodisiac for Shen Zhonghua.

“So sweet……” Shen Zhonghua finally let go of Qiqi’s lips, but he still wished to continue and extended his tongue to lick her lips and told her: “Really delicious……”

Ah!” Qiqi was ashamed and annoyed.
She stretched out her little pink fist and hammered it on Shen Zhonghua’s chest, but her wrist was held by Shen Zhonghua.
He lowered his head and licked it between her neck.
Qiqi closed her eyes because she was ticklish and sensitive.
She clamped her legs and shrank back desperately, but how could Shen Zhonghua let her go? She didn’t know when his hand stretched into her skirt and stroked her leg, which made her unable to stop quivering.

“Qiqi’s upper mouth is sweet, I don’t know if her small mouth below is too……” Shen Zhonghua’s hand and fingers had already penetrated into her flower seam through her trousers.

what are you saying……
Mm……” Qiqi wanted to stop him, although……
although he made her feel so good every time.
however, she always thought that down there wasn’t used for eating.

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“Be good, hold your legs apart.” Shen Zhonghua’s voice was low and hoarse.

“Mmh……” Qiqi was shy and didn’t immediately agree, but Shen Zhonghua found her little bead through her trousers.
Even if she bit her lower lip, she still let out an obscene voice, and she couldn’t help clamping her legs tighter.
However, the tighter her legs clamped, the more she couldn’t push away Shen Zhonghua’s evil hand between her legs.
Qiqi’s entire small face was flushed, sending out a tiny but flirtatious moan.

Shen Zhonghua felt like he was unable to control himself.

Qiqi was his little fairy as well as his little witch.

He protected Qiqi’s head, pressed her down, and let it down.

“Ah!” Shen Zhonghua suddenly pounced on her.
Qiqi didn’t have any time for psychological preparation.
SHe screamed and her legs opened naturally.
When Shen Zhonghua saw this opportunity, he quickly pulled down Qiqi’s trousers and stood between her legs.
He held her ankles, bent her legs up, and controlled her legs so she couldn’t put them together.

Shen Zhonghua’s voice was low and hoarse.
With a strong passion, he said to Qiqi: “Qiqi, just now you clamped me, clamped so tight……”

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