s dying breath was ever heard by anyone outside of Amegakure nerved Kakashi… The fear of Akatsuki deepened again.

Reading further of the information, Kakashi couldn’t help but have a solemn face, “Hanzo died prior to the time when Akatsuki started recruiting rogue-nin, meaning that the leader of Akatsuki had no support against Hanzo… The leader of Akatsuki… is at least superior to the level of Hanzo…”

Kuroto nodded, while Shisui was silent.

Kakashi continued, “We have to report this information to Hokage-sama without any delay… let’s go back to the village!”

The other four nodded and rushed towards Konoha.

ON the way, Shisui lightly whispered to Kuroto, “Kuroto-san, are you okay?”

Kuroto asked with a confused expression, “Hmm, what would be wrong with me?”

Shisui said, “I don’t know why… but for some reason, you look very tired to me…”

Kuroto smiled, “Hahaha… don’t worry… I was just doing some training with Tsukihi… so maybe a little tired.”

Because Kuroto is currently using his main body, therefore, no direct physical exhaustion seems apparent.
But for the past two months, he has been continuously training the Tsukihi Clone… so the spiritual body is indeed exhausted.

After all, continuous training for two months, using hundreds of Shadow Clones at the same time is no easy task… continuously using Mangekyou Sharingan is obviously burdensome for Kuroto, even with Ryuumyaku.

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Putting aside the matter of whether he is exhausted or not, Kuroto is really surprised that Shisui was able to see through this so easily.

Guy and Kakashi may have not noticed his spiritual exhaustion to such an extent, but Shisui did… indicating that even if Shisui’s vision is declining, his visual prowess and insight is increasing… already touching the realm of soul…

Thinking so Kuroto thought, ‘Perhaps I should start preparing and testing for Hashirama Cells for Shisui, he would need Hashirama Cells Transplantation soon enough as his vision would soon diminish completely…’

With this thought in his mind, Kuroto made a mental note for another task to be performed… on his way to Kuroto.

The next day, Hokage Office.

Even with all the troubles, Konoha is facing, the Hokage office is still the same as it was a few years ago… the only change would be the heavier pile of documents and the more wrinkled face of Sandaime.

Seeing that team-11 had returned from their two-month-long mission and came to report the progress, Sandaime did not even look up, he just signaled for Kakashi to proceed with the report while Sandaime’s eyesight still remained on the pile before him.

Kakashi did not speak anything, he just passed on the scroll given to him by Kuroto.

Sandaime frowned and took the scroll from Kakashi’s hands.
With tired eyes, he unfolded the thread on the scroll and went on to read the content.

With his tobacco pipe in his mouth, Sandaime took a puff of smoke… as he started reading the first line… But just as he read the first line, all that tiredness was washed away, his eyes instantly shot open…

The next thing he did was to put down the tobacco pipe and clear both of his eyes with his hands… just to make sure that he was not daydreaming… confirmed that he was not, Sandaime ordered for all the Anbu members on the watch to retreat and activated the silent seal, a seal that would block all the sounds and everything to escape out of this room.

With that done, he asked, “Are you sure that the location of Akatsuki’s hideout is Amegakure?!”

Kakashi said, “As mentioned, it is Amegakure, it was discovered by Kuroto.”

“Amegakure…!” – Sandaime chewed out the few words.
Similar to Kakashi, he too was puzzled about Hanzo, before any further questioning, Sandaime continued to read the report and he landed on the line that mentioned Hanzo’s death… “Hanzo is dead…?” – he muttered.

Kuroto nodded, and explained, “Yes, Hanzo died at the hands of the leader of the Akatsuki Organization.
A few years ago, a civil war broke out within Amegakure, the winning side was led by the leader someone by the name of Pain… He killed Hanzo… and after Hanzo’s death, he became the leader of Amegakure… as well as established the Akatsuki Organization to what we know it is today.
Although some supporters of Hanzo come out from time to time, they are unilaterally neutralized by Pain.”

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If it is said that Sandaime was just shocked then that would be an understatement… astonishment was clearly apparent from his face… someone like Hanzo died and nobody outside Ame did not even hear the whispers of his death? A civil war broke out within Ame and none of the great shinobi villages ever heard of it?

Calming down his nerves, Sandaime thought a lot, then asked, “What is the credibility of the information?”

Kuroto said, “I personally tortured it out of some high-level Ame Shinobi, so the information is more than credible.
In fact, the only reason why nobody ever heard of Hanzo’s death is that the shinobi of Ame are instructed to treat as if Hanzo is still alive when they are out of Amegakure for missions but in reality, Hanzo has long been dead.”

At this time, Sandaime got up and walked towards the window, he had a distant look in his eyes, “Even someone like Hanzo die so silently… sigh, the shinobi world we live in is really cruel…”

Neither of the four had anything to say to Sandaime’s words.
Each of the four members has had their individual losses.

One lost his parents, other lost his father.

One lost his friends, while the last one lost his father, friends, as well as teacher…


The pain one suffers is not calculated based on how much one has lost, it is calculated based on how much one valued what he has lost.

Everyone’s suffering… This is one hard truth of this war-littled Shinobi World.

Sandaime took a deep breath, then turned towards the Kuroto and asked, “And the mention of Iwagakure and Kirigakure?”

Kuruto suppressed the sadness in his heart and answered, “Although it is not clearly apparent, however, there is some sort of cooperation between Iwagakure and Kirigakure… Probably involving the dirty work that they wouldn’t want to take the blame on… so if we want to deal with Akatsuki in the form of a surprise attack these two villages can not be involved.”

Sandaime considered Kuroto’s words and after a long time of weighing out his own thoughts, he returned to his chair and wrote something in two scrolls.

After writing it, Sandaime neatly folded them and sealed them inside two different cases.

Next, he handed one scroll to Kakashi, while the other two Kuroto, with the instructions, “Hatake Kakashi, and Might Guy, deliver the scroll to Raikage in Kumogakure, while Hyuga Kuroto and Uchiha Shisui will deliver the scroll to Kazekage in Sunagakure.”

“Yes, Hokage-sama!” – All the four nodded, and then left on their next missions.

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