>In Zhuang Long’s opinion, the other party was a core descendant of the Lawson family.
It was said that this girl was also the future heir.
Zhuang Long did not want the girl to misunderstand and think that he wanted to climb up the social ladder and be a son-in-law.
Hence, he specially explained.

However, when Clarice heard this explanation, she turned even paler.

She threw a cup at him and roared, “Get lost!”

Zhuang Long was shocked and was chased away by the housekeeper.

Zhuang Long thought about it afterward.
He thought that Clarice was angry because he shouldn’t have gone to see her.
Seeing him reminded Clarice of the night that brought her shame and ruined her reputation.
For this, Zhuang Long really didn’t look for Clarice again.

However, Clarice had never appeared in public.
It was as if she had disappeared from the face of the earth.

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Clarice reappeared in the public eye two years later.
She was holding a one-year-old child and standing in front of the camera.
She said expressionlessly to the camera, “Zhuang Long, I have your child.”

From then on, Zhuang Long got married and raised a child.

Later on, he accidentally divorced her and ended up without a wife and child.
He lived a lonely life with loneliness every night.
After he married Xiao Li, Zhuang Long’s secondary personality woke up a few times.
One time, he woke up on Christmas Day.
That was the first Christmas after they got married.

That year, Zhuang Qilin was only two years old.
When he saw his mother and father getting married in front of the Christmas tree, he even made a fuss and shouted all over the house, “Daddy and Mommy kissed! Daddy and Mommy kissed!” Upon hearing the young master’s words, the butler and servants all retreated automatically, not daring to enter the house.

Zhuang Qilin went out to announce loudly.
When he returned, he realized that the room where the Christmas tree was placed was actually locked from the inside.
He kicked the door, but no one came to open it.
Instead, he heard his mother snort.

It was only when the butler boldly ran over and carried Zhuang Qilin upstairs to play with his toys that Zhuang Qilin’s attention was diverted.

In those few years, Zhuang Long did not wake up often.
In the first two years, he could wake up about four to five times in a year, but the time he was awake was shorter each time.
In the third year of their marriage, the second personality only woke up once.
This time, he accompanied Xiao Li for less than three hours before falling into a deep sleep.

The last time he woke up was two months before their divorce.

He woke up because he happened to see Xiao Li beating Zhuang Qilin.
That scene agitated Zhuang Long, and he lost control for a moment and almost killed Xiao Li.
That night, Zhuang Long hugged Clarice and chatted for more than two hours.
They made a promise—

They decided to divorce.
If Zhuang Long could remember everything and recover within three years, they would remarry.

If Zhuang Long had no feelings for her and never thought of her or remembered what happened when they were young, then they should just separate.

Separating was an outcome they were unwilling to face, but they were all adults.
They clearly understood that if Zhuang Long continued to be sick like this, something would happen sooner or later.
Zhuang Long did not want to wake up one day and discover that he had killed the person he loved the most.

Xiao Li could not bear to see Zhuang Long in pain.

The villa with the sea view was especially quiet.

The servants and butler moved softly.
Zhuang Long lay on Xiao Li’s bed, the photo in his hand spilling all over the floor.
He lay on the bed with his eyes closed, as if he was dreaming.

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