Chapter 1: First Love

Before I fell in love with words; with setting skies and singing birds, it was the hero with gentle face and a righteous heart that I fell in love with.
He saved the world.
Luke Florence, that was his name – the protagonist of the novel, Return of the Savior.

I know, I know… an adult old enough to fall in love with fictional characters sounds pathetic… I know.
But the heart wants what it wants and I can’t control it.
A wonderful hero who saves the world with a sculptural face and a righteous heart.

Imagining his visage, blue eyes and blonde hair… my heart pounds erratically.

But contrary to my affection, it was clear the author of the novel did not like Luke.
The author despised Luke, it seemed like.

As the main character, should he not defeat the evil forces with one blow?

But my Luke faced many hardships.
I was frustrated at times and shed tears at times reading his past and the struggles he’d go through.
My heart would tighten.
For all my simplicity, I wanted to embrace Luke.
I wanted to be his shoulder to lean on.
I wanted him… to rely on me.

The villain, Camian de la Rose Hespion… the prince of devils and the strongest man in the world.
This man… I could not give him my affection.
Evil and ruthlessness filled Camian’s heart.
He’d slaughter and murder his colleagues anytime he saw fit to enact.

The author favored Camian, a rare villain.
His character and background was well-written and detailed.
Even his past history was 90 pages longer than Luke’s.

Camian’s past was written like this… Camian, prince of devils, went down to the human realm after he was summoned by a young seven-year-old girl.
His first contractor was a child and he had yet become the world’s greatest villain.
He accepted the young girl’s contract and gradually opened his heart to the innocent girl, Liv.

“Don’t just stare at them with envy.
Aren’t you going out to run too?”

“It’s okay.
I’ll get tired in ten steps and the other kids will grow bored of me.
And I’m not jealous at all.
After all, you’re here next to me, Camian.”