hing in her mother’s possession, causing her to flee from their murderous pursuit.
The organization must think that the object they were after was now in her possession.
That was why they were pursuing her so relentlessly.
However, never would she have ever expected her mother to be part of the organization.
She said a little coldly, “Are these your conjectures, or do you have evidence?”

Morris’s voice deepened a little.
He replied, “It’s conjecture, but we found records of monetary transfers from unknown sources in her bank records.
Additionally, when my mother was investigating the case back then, your mother was a crucial figure involved.”

Nora fell silent.

Her heart, however, was gradually sinking.

Her mother… To be honest, she had never felt much for her all along.
After all, even in the oldest memories she had, her mother was already gone.
Nevertheless, she had always felt that her mother was a good person.

Morris was very reliable.
Since he had said so, then he was more or less already certain that her mother had indeed been part of the human trials project back then.

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In fact… Going by her talent in pharmaceuticals, even Nora herself suspected that her mother must have held a high position in the organization.

She stayed silent for a long while.

She didn’t know whether or not she should agree to Morris’s request.

In the midst of her hesitance, Morris said, “It is said that there remains a pill of the successfully developed drug somewhere in the world.
Since the drug can make Victor a new man in two years, do you think Quentin’s injuries… Would be curable?”

His words made Nora abruptly raise her head.

All the bones in Quentin’s body were broken.
Even though there was an alternative medicine legend that was said to be able to cure his injuries, even she herself couldn’t be sure of it at the moment.

When she thought of that, her voice became firm.
“I can join the team, but I have two conditions.”


“If we find the drug, even if you can’t give it to me, you have to give me the formula.”

“No problem.
What about the second condition?”

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“Oh,” Nora said casually, “Don’t disturb me when I’m sleeping.”

Morris seemingly took a deep breath.
“No problem.
By the way, Captain Brenda, who was stationed overseas, has returned today.
Let’s take the opportunity to have the members of the team meet and discuss our plans.
Make a trip down here, I’ll send you the address.”


Brenda drove her red Porsche to a French restaurant.
She opened the door, walked in, and headed straight to a person sitting in the corner.
“Hello, Captain Ford,” she said.

Morris stood up straight and stretched out his hand to her seriously.
“Welcome back, Captain Brenda.”

The two shook hands.
After taking their seats, Morris was the first to speak.
He said, “We have found some information about that mysterious organization from back then, so we have set up a team to deal with the case.
It is an honor to have Captain Brenda back to help us out.”


Brenda propped her chin in her hands and asked, “Let’s not worry about that for now.
I have a question for you, Captain Ford.”

Morris sat up straight.
“Go ahead.”

Brenda could be said to be an Interpol officer.
Did she perhaps have information related to the case?

The thought had only just formed when he instead heard Brenda unhurriedly ask, “Do you have a girlfriend, Captain Ford?” Morris: “?”

He pressed his lips together and lowered his gaze.
“Captain Brenda, our meet today extends only to issues related to the case.
In addition to you, me, and a few other detectives on the team, I also intend to hire a forensic doctor.
What do you say, Captain Brenda?” Brenda continued to rest her chin on her hands.
“An external forensic doctor? Is it a he or a she? And are they good-looking?”

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