p>Does she do this for everyone? Helping girls get with her man?


Yukina's guess was on the mark.
As the commander of Ratatoskr, she helped Wu Yan bag Tohka, Yoshino, and Kurumi…


“I mean, we are already doing this, is that question still relevant?”


Kotori looked at Nagisa and Yukina with a firm look.


“We can't turn back now, we have to go through with this!”


“Yes, I guess you're right…”


Yukina and Nagisa weren't sure but they agreed with her anyway.


“Why does this feel wrong?”


“Jeez, less talking more walking, he's about to leave!”


Kotori shooed Nagisa with candy in her hand.
She entered her commander mode and she started her operation.


“Saa, let us begin out date (war)!”




Nagisa got pushed into the corridor much to her shock, she yelped when Kotori grabbed Yukina and they hightailed their way out of that place.


Nagisa's jaw fell to the floor as she complained out loud.


“What about supporting me? Why are you running away?”


“Support? Who ran away?…”


A curious voice came from behind Nagisa, she froze up on the spot.

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“What's the matter? Nagisa?…”


Wu Yan blinked in shock, she's currently petrified like she has seen a ghost.


“Why are you screaming and gasping in this corridor? Don't tell me there's a perverted highschooler prowling and hitting on middle schoolgirls!”


Nagisa awkwardly laughed, she shook her head vigorously.
When she saw Wu Yan's face up close, she turned bright red.
Her heart also started racing.


After Wu Yan kissed her, Nagisa avoided any situation where they were alone together.
Just thinking about that event would make her run away at top speed.
This notion appeared in her mind once more.


Wu Yan was chill as a cucumber, he already forgot about the events of that day, it felt like Tuesday to him, this playboy.


“It's about time for class to start, let's go!”


Nagisa subconsciously called out to him.






Wu Yan turned around.


“What? Is something the matter?…”


Nagisa smiled awkwardly.
She looked very nervous, her eyes darted around until she glanced at Wu Yan.
Finally, she gave up.


She should follow Kotori-chan's advice…


“Erm, sensei…”


Nagisa mustered up what little courage she still had and she sheepishly continued.


I have something I want to give you…”


“Something for me?…”


Wu Yan flinched.


“What's that?”

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Nagisa inhaled deeply, gnashing her teeth, she presented the item she had with her, she was hiding it behind her back all this time.
She showed him a lunchbox.


A bento…


“Nagisa made this herself!”


Nagisa yelled out loud as if to drown out the butterflies in her stomach.


“Sensei! Please have a taste!”


“Ah, you made these yourself?…”


Wu Yan grinned.


“This is a sight to behold, you actually made me a lunchbox…”


He accepted the lunchbox from Nagisa.


“I thought you only knew how to freeload at my place?”




Nagisa puffed her cheeks, she's a bit mad with Wu Yan's careless remark.
When she saw Wu Yan's radiant smile, she panicked again.


“I-it's just thanks for what you always did for us…”


“Oh? You're strangely courteous…”


He rubbed the warm lunchbox and he waved towards her.


“Let's go to class, lunch time is coming up, when the fellows start eating, let's go hang with them…”




Nagisa nodded.
She remembered what Kotori told her, she spelled out the advise word for word.


“Sensei, please allow me to feed you later!”



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