Supreme Magus

Chapter 245 Clarity

he secrets you keep to yourself, all the burden you refuse to share, sooner or later they will crush you. You don ’t have to always fight alone. The whole world isn ’t your enemy.

”I don ’t know what has happened to you at the mining town and if you don ’t want to talk about it, I ’m okay with that. However, I can see that you are in deep pain. Please, don ’t shut me out of your life like you did since you came back. Just tell me what can I do for you. ”

Now that Phloria had got a hold of him, she wasn ’t willing to let Lith slip away again. Ever since Solus came clean with him, Lith had been confused about his feelings. He needed someone to talk to, but until that moment, he felt like he was alone in the world.

”It was all a lie. ” Lith blurted out, returning her embrace.

”Protector is alive. He, Kalla, even the Lord of the forest manipulated me to teach me a lesson! ” In his rage, he tightened his grip enough to hurt her, making Phloria yelp in pain.

”Please, calm down and tell me everything from the beginning. ”

Lith told her the truth about that night, how he had failed saving Protector and how they both survived only thanks to the Scorpicore ’s intervention. He even repeated her word by word Protector ’s speech before he had left.

Lith let Solus ’s role out, pretending that his outrage was aimed at Protector and that he had forced Kalla to tell him the truth after discovering Protector ’s missing corpse in the mass grave.

Phloria went pale more than once, but never interrupted his story, waiting for Lith to calm down.

”Can you believe it? After all we went through, he had the gall to let me suffer like that and calling it an act of love! ” He wished to meet Protector again, just to give him the beating of a lifetime.

Phloria remained silent, while he kept cursing Protector ’s name and expressing his outrage for having been manipulated. After a while, Lith was tired of hearing only his own voice, so he turned towards Phloria noticing her distress.

”Why you say nothing? Don ’t tell me you agree with him. ” Lith really wanted to punch the wall, but scaring the only person he had left sounded as a d*ck move even to him.

”I understand you are angry. You have every right to be and I don ’t want to make you any angrier. I think is better for me to leave. ”

She stood up, but Lith grabbed her hand.

”Please, I trusted him with my life. I don ’t know what to believe anymore, just be honest with me. I don ’t want to be coddled, I need the truth. ”

Phloria held his hand, caressing it with hers.

”Promise me not to get angry. ”

”I promise. ” Lith gritted his teeth, her words didn ’t bode well.

”I completely agree with him. ” Lith took a few deep breaths before calming down. He didn ’t yell, didn ’t punch anything, he even managed to keep his hand relaxed.

”Why? ” He asked after he was able to speak again.

”Are you serious? In his shoes, I wouldn ’t have lied to you, I would have strangled you with my own hands as soon as you recovered! At least now you know how he, or anyone else that cares for you, would have felt if you traded your life for theirs. ”

Lith started to feel like a jerk. He knew how crushing the death of a beloved one could be. His new life started because of the domino effects Carl ’s demise had triggered.

”Also, it ’s rich coming from you. Accusing someone to be a liar. You lied to your family over the years for the gods know how many times about almost everything. You lied to me countless times too.

”About your strength, the mysterious brother of yours you fought so hard to protect, about how the heck you come back always in one piece even if your uniform gets wrecked so often that it ’s scary. I don ’t know why you do it and I ’m still waiting for you to tell me the truth.

”What you are experiencing is how your family felt when they discovered all your lies. How I may feel if and when you decide to be honest with me. Yet they didn ’t love you any less for it, because you did it to protect them, to give them a better life.

”I think you owe Protector a second chance, he just played a Lith on you. By the way, I don ’t care if you are a dragon in disguise, I still care for you. ” She quickly gave him a peck before running away, leaving Lith stunned.

Her speech made a lot of sense, only the last phrase was beyond his understanding.

’If Phloria reacted like that, I ’m afraid what mom or Tista would say if they knew the truth. ’ Lith thought.

’She is right though. Me complaining about being manipulated is like Nana preaching about generosity. Even when I open myself to someone, about half I say is a lie. I wonder what Carl would have said if he ever learned what really happened to our father.

Would he hate me for what I did or would he just resent me for hiding the truth from him and shouldering everything by myself? ’

Lith pondered for a while about the whole situation before deciding that moral dilemmas could wait. He needed to study for the following day ’s lessons and to devise contingency plans for whatever could happen to the academy the next spring.

Soon he found himself wishing to have Solus ’s input, but his rage was still too strong. Lith couldn ’t call her for help twice during the same day. It would be like admitting with her and even more importantly with himself that he was ready to forgive her.

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From the following day, elite units from the army and the Mage Association covertly examined and cleansed the various academies ’ staff members and their students. Even without a proper diagnostic spell, the purifying one Marth had devised against the anti-mana parasites would still work.

It turned out that Linjos wasn ’t the only one that had been poisoned. All the Headmasters that followed his protocol had suffered the same fate and with them many of the Professors that fought against the waves of Balkor ’s undead.

Even if there was no proof of their involvement, the surviving staff members of the fallen Earth and Crystal Griffon academies were quietly arrested for treason. Royal constables interrogated them only to discover that their only crime was pursuing their own political agenda rather than their students ’ best interests.

Soon it became clear that the culprit wasn ’t someone at the top of the food chain, but someone at its very bottom.

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