ld not help but stroke her forehead.
It was her uncle, and he was taking a bath.
However, how did she end up in his place? Furthermore, she was watching him take a bath.., what was there to see about that old man? Even if she wanted to see, she should at least take a look at the young lad.
Bi Qiang said that it was Lu Yi.
Lu Yi’s figure was not bad, and he was also a former soldier, he was also a descendant of an ancient martial arts sect, so he definitely had an extremely good figure.
From the lines on his arms, it could be seen that he was not a chicken beheaded for nothing.
His body had the masculine and resolute beauty unique to men, it was a pity that he was completely different from a woman.
A good cabbage had been eaten by a pig.
How ugly would the child that he would give birth to in the future be.
The Man in the bathroom was still showering.
Actually, she could not see anything because the steam inside had already started to rise, so she could only vaguely see a figure.
Yan Huan covered her eyes with her hands.
However, she didn’t understand why she would appear here.
She clearly heard someone calling her leaf, and that voice seemed to be very familiar.
Where had she heard it before, however, she couldn’t figure out who it was at that moment? She held the handle of the door again and looked forward.
Lu Jin was about to put on his clothes, and this didn’t seem to be the Lu residence.
So where could it be.
At this moment, Lu Jin had wet hair.
He was holding the phone and smiling foolishly.
“Don’t worry.
After this business trip, I’ll go back.
It’s going to be your 50th birthday soon.
I’ll go back before your birthday.
Time Flies.
I remember you at that time.
“You were only 17 or 18 years old, but I liked you the moment I saw you.
You were originally your father’s child bride to your brother, but I married you just like that.
It’s been more than 30 years.
We’re both old…” “I know, I’ll definitely go back.
There’s nothing I can do.
I have to go on a business trip.” Lu Jin sat there again, and it was like they were talking on the phone.
After a long while, Yan Huan leaned on the side.
She thought that Lu Jin and ye Shuyun’s lives had not been in vain since they were young, the two of them had never blushed or quarreled.
Their lives had been peaceful and smooth.
There were a few couples in the world who could truly grow old together.
It should be very rare.
Her gaze stopped on the huge electronic clock on the opposite side.
The time on it did not seem to be right.
Suddenly, her eyes seemed to shake.
“Little…” Before she could say the word ‘heart’, she saw the entire room shake.
Lu Jin’s expression changed as well.
He stood up and was about to run out when a cement board fell from the middle, it directly hit his head and turned into a bloody mess.
However, his eyes were still open.
When another piece fell, it almost flattened his head.

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