d, and a taxi pulled up next to her within seconds.

Lu Yi watched impassively as the taxi drove away.
He waited for it to disappear into the far distance before starting his car again.

“Lu Yi, did you just say that she up and left you, just like that?” Lei Qingyi’s eyes were wide with disbelief.
He was sprawled out on the large sofa in his house, his phone plastered against his ear.
The news delighted him, but he could not explain why.

“So, what do you think? I mean, how do you feel about this?” Lei Qingyi sat up straight.
He wanted to know if Lu Yi was feeling depressed after getting dumped, even if he had not actually liked the woman.

Lei Qingyi felt it was in Lu Yi’s best interests to treat this latest breakup as a valuable lesson, learn from it, and prepare himself for similar breakups in the future.

Lu Yi lowered his head.
His fingers tightened around the cup of milk tea he had just bought.

“Feel?” He frowned.

Was he feeling anything?

He considered it for a long moment.
Finally, he lifted the cup to his lips.

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“I can finally drink milk tea.”

Lei Qingyi: “…”

Both Lu Yi and Lei Qingyi assumed that Fang Zhu had broken up with Lu Yi for good.
Lu Yi had started going out with Fang Zhu only recently, after all, and they barely knew each other.
Just like her predecessors before her, Fang Zhu had mercilessly dumped Lu Yi because he was insensitive and a workaholic—or so they thought.

Lu Yi was therefore surprised when he returned home the next day to see Fang Zhu nonchalantly chatting with Ye Shuyun, as though nothing had happened.

Lu Yi immediately thought of the boxes of instant milk tea powder in his cupboard.

He sighed inwardly—it looked like he would have to give up milk tea again.

Women were a complete enigma to him.
It was difficult to know what they were thinking.

He entered his room, shut the door behind him, and began leafing through a book.
A moment later, he set the book down and got out his phone to check the Weibo he had been frequenting lately.
It had become part of his daily routine.

He looked at the latest post.

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“We can’t take care of you, so we’ll have to board you at a pet shop for now.”

The new photo showed a cat in a cage, looking sad and pitiful.
It was an adorable cat, but now its eyes seemed to shimmer with unshed tears.
It was a heartbreaking sight.

Lu Yi crossed his arms.
He shook his head, and set his phone down.

“Are you sure you want to leave her here?”

Yi Ling was extremely reluctant to part with Little Bean, even if it was only temporary.
“Why don’t we bring her with us? She looks so sad.
She’s crying, look.” Little Bean was staring mournfully at her masters with her large, unblinking eyes The sight broke their hearts: Little Bean looked like she knew they were leaving her behind.

Yan Huan poked a finger through the bars of the cage; Little Bean licked it with her tiny tongue before lying down obediently with her tail curled around her body.
She looked even more sad and pitiful this way.

“She needs to get used to this.
We may be spending most of our time on location shoots outside of the city.
We’ll be moving from place to place.
How are you going to bring her with you? Even if our hotels turn out to be pet-friendly, how are you going to take her with us on public transportation?”

Yi Ling’s face fell.
She knew they had no other options, but she simply could not bear to leave Little Bean behind.
Yi Ling had lovingly raised Little Bean from a tiny runt of a kitten into the plump, beautiful cat she was now.
Little Bean was her pride and joy, and it pained her to have to send her away now.

It was the day of the full-costume photo shoot for Journey to Fairyland, and the entire production crew was expected to attend.
It was the perfect opportunity for Yan Huan to get to know the new production team.


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