1. Kevin Clayton

Age: 18

Mana tier: 1st circle ( Initial )

Body tier : 1st tier ( Initial )

2. Emily Clayton ( image )

Age: 18

Mana tier: 1st Circle ( middle )

Body tier: None





Jack Chambers, former dot com millionaire and feared corporate raider, was scared and clueless.

He had no memory of the past few hours. He didn remember anything at all before walking down a rough, gravel-strewn path through a dark, thickly-wooded area. The black of night contrasted sharply with the thin light of a full moon trying unsuccessfully (for the most part) to burst through the tangle of trees that surrounded and pressed down on him, forcing him to pause for a second to catch his breath.

Resting his hands on his knees, he set his jaw and tensed up as if ready to pounce. Though his chest had tightened up and the hollow ball of nervous energy in his stomach threatened to overwhelm him, he would not let it. Years of hostile takeovers had taught him when someone had him in their sights, and he had that feeling now. The sounds of night were all around him, suffocating him, watching him. Judging him. He looked about as if there might be some sort of clue, something telling him where he was or what was going on. Desperation was closing in, threatening to swallow him whole, fight it though he did. He dug into his pockets, and his wallet was gone. Cell phone, too. Had he left them in the car? Where was his car? He shook his head as if that would help him recall. Figures, he thought, sighing. The simple fact is that when it comes right down to it, everyone is alone.

The sudden caw of a crow lighting from the branches directly to his right startled him and he jumped; heart racing and eyes wide. In a fit of temper, he yelled ”FUCK YOU ” to no one in particular. He felt foolish right away and blushed, though there was no one to hear. Was there? He was being stupid, he knew. Ignoring the electric warnings of his mind, he lurched forward. ”Can find out whats going on standing her

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