tely attend the wedding.

“The last time I had dinner with Russell, I remember him saying that he has a daughter who is a Stanford graduate.”

Previously, Jordan invited Russell to dinner on Bill Gates’ luxury yacht, and Russell asked about Jordan’s education level.

When Jordan said that he attended college at Stanford, Russell bragged his daughter was also a Stanford graduate.

Jordan hurriedly instructed Pablo, “Find out if Russell’s daughter is in Houston.
She should be about the same age as Victoria, around 30 years old.”


In half a day, Pablo managed to find the whereabouts of Russell’s daughter, living up to Jordan’s expectations.

Pablo smiled and said, “Mr.
Jordan, we found out that Russell’s daughter is named Shay, who’s now queuing up at a popular restaurant on Prince Road with her boyfriend.”

“Do you want me to send someone to bring her over to see you?”

Jordan shook his head.
Since it was now broad daylight, they would invite trouble if they were to take Shay away by force.

“Prepare the car.
Let’s go over to take a look,” said Jordan.


Soon, Jordan and Pablo came to the popular restaurant to see that there were indeed many people in line, especially since it was close to lunchtime.

“Which one is Shay?” Jordan asked.

Pointing to a woman whose hair was dyed blond and was holding hands with a man in front, Pablo said, “That one.”

Jordan took a glance from afar.
He remembered that Russell’s daughter should be the same age as Victoria.

However, Shay seemed to be above the age of 35 because her skin condition was far from ideal, thus making her look much older.

She looked much worse than Victoria, who, although was 30 years old, looked no different from a 25-year-old woman from the back or the side.

Of course, one should not judge a book by its cover.

Shay seemed to be in a loving relationship with the man whose hand she was holding.

At this moment, Shay suddenly turned around and scolded the couple behind her in line.
“Can you not stand so close to me? Don’t you know what social-distancing is?”

The young couple behind her seemed to be only 18 years old.
The boy said, “But we’re not standing that close to you…”

Jordan also saw that there was indeed some distance between the two.

However, the line was too long, and it was impossible to stand too far apart from each other.
Otherwise, the line would go all the way to the road.

Shay did not argue with the people behind.
Instead, she said to her boyfriend, “I hate it here.
There are uncultured boors everywhere.”

The man said, “Yes, the quality of people here is really worrying.”

Jordan humphed coldly.
Having been to multiple countries in the world, Jordan knew that not everyone was cultured and queue-cutting existed everywhere in the world.

Moreover, there was nothing wrong with the distance that the couple behind them,

Shay was just deliberately kicking up a fuss to show her superiority.

Jordan winked at Pablo, who then went over and gave the couple 50 dollars.
“Sorry, we are in a hurry.
Can you give us your spot?”

The young couple happily agreed.

Hence, Jordan and Pablo took their place and stood behind Shay and her boyfriend.

Shay looked back and said to her boyfriend, “See, people here are money-minded.
Money makes the world go round here and they have no ambitions at all..
Ugh, I really hate breathing the air here.
I need to get out of here after attending Dad’s wedding!”

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