bout it.
Would she be really giving up the ship just to have a route to live? He couldn’t tell even as he scanned her face for facial tics.

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“My sweet loving master, let us put aside our differences for a moment.
They are breaking in and believe me, they will, very soon, succeed.
I urge– no.
I implore you to take control of the ship and activate the weapons system! Kill them now! Before it’s too late!” cried Akatziris as she constantly monitored the surveillance feed.
The door was already inches away from opening and Akatziris’ panic could not be faked.

With a heavy sigh, Jiang Fei turned around.

The last thing he wanted was to have other enemies entering his ship.
The most logical choice was to believe Akatziris.
Even so, as a precaution, he had everything move further back and had Sylphy and Isabella available to protect.

“0543, take control!” Jiang Fei roared as he allowed the ring to make contact with the central Data Management Center.

With a crisp “klang” sound, the ring made contact and started to glow.

“Begin integration process…” 0543’s female voice was heard.

“Initializing… Error… Restarting main engine sequence…”

“Starting main console sequence with support system 0543 authentication…”

The speed at which 0543 worked was insane.
Before she could even finish her last sentence, she immediately started a new one, hence it sounded like there were more than one support system working.
In less than thirty seconds, the ship was starting up properly.
The lighting of the ship changed and when it restarted, every part of the ship was illuminated.

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With a loud whirring sound, the flaperons on the side of the ship unfolded, revealing countless menacing cannons.

“Oh shoot! That’s awesome!” cried Jiang Fei.

“Kill them all!” cried Jiang Fei as he directed the targets to the three Unknowns who were trying to gain entry into the ship.
Neptulon was so close that in just twenty centimeters, the door would be wide enough for everyone to enter.

Insufficient clearance to operate weapon system.”

Violation of Protocol 0001.”

“Revision of Protocol 0001 initiated.

“Authorization of Terran Lifeform: Jiang Fei has been revoked.”

“Applying new captain credentials…”

Something strange was happening and Jiang Fei was caught completely off guard.

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“Force-teleport all Terran lifeforms into the prison!” Akatziris ordered with a sinister smile.

“Order received.

Before Jiang Fei could even react, everyone was encased in a pillar of light and was teleported away from the central control room.
If Ariel was at her optimal state, she could have done something to stop it but… it was all too late.
Not even Isabella could brute force her way out of it.

Braveheart was the prized battleship of Planet Namek.
Its teleportation technique was so powerful that not even a Level 5 Metahuman could stop it.
Not even when one was fused with an Energy Core!

“I-I-I can’t use my powers!”

Isabella, Sylphy, and even the calm and composed Ariel and Nina started to panic.
Everyone was teleported into a large room where all four walls were made of the same silvery-white metal.
As a prison designed by the Namekians, they had considered having to house powerful individuals and monsters alike.
The room was protected and insulated with powerful barriers.
Worst of all, it contained a powerful enervation effect that neutralized any means of power.

“Now, do tell me, my sweet loving master.
How do you like this gift of mine? Before you tell me, I have another special gift for you!” Akatziris’ voice could be heard coming from a small speaker on the ceiling.

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