since we last saw each other ”. I turned my head and said, ”sure has been a while, sorry I have been busy with some personal things. How are you doing these days? ”. James, ” I have been good just waiting for a mate now ”. My ears perked up at that and I said, ”oh my you are growing up so fast James ”. He had just turned 18 years old yesterday and most werewolves find their mates at that age. Sometimes it might take even longer to find a mate. Before he could say anything else the class had begun and we started taking notes.

After class James and I were talking about grabbing lunch together in the cafeteria later in the day. When I saw Jason staring at both of us and he looked a little angry, as he caught me looking at him. He huffed and walked away with his cheeks all red, definitely he was jealous. James and I walked to our next class together since we had the same class. Suddenly one of the pack members mind-linked me and said, ”Alpha there are rouges near the borders we need help ”. Immediately I told James that I needed to go and inform the teachers about the situation.

Luckily the faculty of the school was part of the pack, so there were no issues. I mind-linked Erick and both of us met at the school entrance. The woods behind the school was the perfect place for us to transform. We quickly transformed and ran in the direction of the rouges. When we reached the borders a couple of pack members were injured, so I mind-linked the pack relief squad to be on stand-by mode. Erick and I jumped in to fight the rouges and defeated them.

After the fight was over I contacted the relief squad to come and assist the injured pack members. I had a really bad gash on my back and my right hand was sprained due to a bad landing. Erick had a nasty gash on his forehead and his left leg was sprained. So we were rushed to the pack hospital. When we reached the hospital Erick and I were taken to the emergency room. The pack doctor Melody Tanner was waiting for us and quickly gave out orders to her assistants. Melody was Jamess older sister and she was one of the best doctors. She told Erick and me that we need to rest on the bed for the next two weeks for our wounds to heal.

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