p>In my previous lives, just like the Dubbleds were doing, Duke Amity and Duke Vallua also celebrated my first children’s day.

Duke Amity and Vallua did what most guardians would do.
They showered me with gifts and presents.
All of it only to keep up the facade of a responsible parent.
They didn’t want to be seen as neglectful parents of an adopted child.

Maybe Dubbled’s and his people had the same intention.

Although my toys given by the duke have filled the bedroom, I still wanted to go to the store.

“Youw want me to gow wid youw?” (You want me to go with you?)

“Of course.”

“Bwut I haven’t gyet pewmission fwom the dyuke yet….” (But I haven’t got permission from the duke yet…)

“It’s alright.
He won’t mind since we are with you, Leblaine.”

At Henry’s friendly smile, I smiled brightly and said, “I want to go!”

‘If they get me a toy, I should pretend to like it, even if I don’t’


I followed the brothers into a signless luxurious building.
Entering in, a man wearing a half-face mask bowed deeply.

I followed Henry and Isaac’s confident stride into the back and peeked inside.
In front of my eyes laid an extravagant hall.
A beautiful large stage was built in front of the countless chairs rowing up to the entrance, yet only a few were vacant.

Instead of heading to the vacant seat, the brothers took me to the second floor, the private VIP section.
The balcony was splendidly decorated.
Big sofas, much more luxurious than the regular sitting, lay side by side.

‘We’re not here to buy toys… are we here to watch a performance?’

I was bubbling with excitement.
I had wanted to go to the toy store, but seeing the beautiful opera house I immediately changed my mind.

Although the visit was an unscheduled outing, I didn’t regret following the brothers’.

Well, I already had too many toys, so it was much better to watch a performance than to buy another toy.
It was only once in a lifetime experience as well.

My awe for the architectural beauty was interrupted by a servant.

“Young masters and miss, what kind of drinks would you like to order?”

“Earl Grey tea.”

Henry gave a short answer, followed by Isaac.

“Milk-“he paused, then shifted his gaze towards me, “-No, black tea.”

“What kind of black tea would you like?”

“The most bitter black tea.”


“Bitter black tea!”

“Ah…yes, I’ll give you the most bitter one.”

Writing down their request, the waiter then looked at me, waiting for my order.

“Strawberry milk!” I requested.

Hearing my childish eagerness, Isaac grinned.

“Are you still a baby?”

“You’re a child as well.”

“I’m an adult.
I’m drinking black tea.
That’s very bitter.”

He smiled adoringly and said, “You’re drinking milk.
That means you’re still a child, kid.”

I didn’t mind his words, beside his words weren’t upsetting, because it’s true I was indeed a child.
Even when I grew up, people used to call me “Child.”, because of the ‘Child of fate’ title.

It wasn’t long before the drink came out.
Under the warm white milk, the glittering-red strawberry sauce had sunk, slowly changing the color into pastel pink.
I held the cup of milk and sip it.
Soon warmth and sweetness enveloped my taste bud.

“Delicious?” Henry asked with a big grin.

I nod my head contentedly.

“Drink it with some refreshments.

“Owkay.” (Okay.)

Henry and I enjoyed the drinks we were served.
But unlike his usual chirpiness around me, Isaac was quiet.

The thick black liquid was swirling in his cup, untouched.
The tea was several times denser than Henry’s.
Even me, the onlooker could see that the tea would be very bitter.


Instead of sipping his tea, Isaac held the cup with a sullen face.

‘As I thought, he couldn’t even sip the tea.’

Feeling sympathetic at his sulky face, I offered him my glass of milk.

“Isyac, dwink this.” (Isaac, drink this.)

“Milk is for kids.”

“No, adulwts wove milks, too.” (No, adults love milks, too.)



Isaac, who received the glass from me, tasted the milk.

His dark face brightened as if tasting the most delicious beverage in the country.
Realizing his facade was slipping, he changed his expression and coughed to conceal his delight.

“It’s decent.”

“Youw can have wit.” (You can have it.)

“But… if I take this drink, then you’ll have none?”

Isaac felt guilty and handed back the cup of milk to me.
Henry shook his head in exasperation at his brother’s simple-mindedness, he then said, “Just order one more, you idiot.”

“…I, I know!” Isaac said.
Even in the dimly lit room, I could see his face heating up with embarrassment.

“Leblaine, that milk is contaminated.
Let’s ask the servants to prepare a new one,” said Henry as he pushed back the cup towards Isaac.

A servant soon came with a new cup of strawberry milk.
Circling the warm cup with my small hand, the hushed whispers slowly fade into silence.
I sipped the milk slowly, expecting a beautiful performance.

‘Is it an orchestra? A play? Or an opera?’

I thought it was a play, considering that they brought a child like me.
My heart was pounding in anticipation.
In the middle of the stillness, the half masked man that I saw earlier at the entrance came up on stage.

“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to ‘heaven’.”


The man smiled mysteriously as he looked around the crowd.

“Let the slave auction begin!”


‘You’re lying, aren’t you?’

I looked at the brothers with a dumbfounded gaze, but Isaac didn’t realize my gaze’s meaning.
He instead smiled broadly and said.

“Kid, if there’s anything you want to have, just go ahead and say it.
I’ll buy you everything!”

Only then did I remember

That’s right.
They were called the villains

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