e people from all walks of life. 

Even ordinary people couldn't afford to eat here, but whether it was the leader of the Qing gang or the high-ranking officials, they could all find their own bold and spicy or elegant and stable dishes here. 

The most popular dish at the time was the dumplings filled with shepherd's purse and bamboo shoots.
Add in a serving of braised pork trotters and crispy radish cakes, and you have a satisfying meal. 

Sure, you could have a couple more bowls of soup to make it more extravagant, but the difference between having a little less soup is negligible. 

However, Ling Shu felt that the soup made by the chefs at Yue's family was just as good as the master chefs at De Xing Guan.

After finishing his meal, Ling Shu didn't forget to ask about the son of his old friend.

“How has Lixin been doing lately?” he inquired.

Yue Dingtang replied, “Professor Li and his wife have been taking good care of him.
They even take him along when they go out to explore architecture and nature.
Perhaps because he's seen more of the world, the child has become more outgoing and willing to talk about simple things.”

Just two days after Ling Shu brought Lixin back to his home to stay temporarily, Yue Dingtang had already contacted Professor Li. 

The Li couple had lost their beloved daughter and had been searching for a son to adopt for many years. 

However, adoption is a matter of fate, and sometimes even a slight difference in first impressions can make all the difference. 

Yue Dingtang and Ling Shu thought that He Lixin was too quiet and timid, and Li couple might not be satisfied with him. 

But to their surprise, Professor Li and his wife immediately fell in love with He Lixin and even promised to let him decide whether to change his surname back to He or not after he turned sixteen.

After spending a few days together, Yue Dingtang and Ling Shu saw that He Lixin did not show any obvious resistance. 

With his consent, they officially handed over the adoption to Li couple. 

From then on, He Lixin became Li Lixin and officially became a member of the Li family. 

“Although He You'an and Narita have both met their end, the matter regarding her should come to a close.
However, it's hard to say if someone will dig deeper and uncover this child, especially since he bears a resemblance to He You'an.
That's why I agreed to change his surname,” said Yue Dingtang.

“I understand.
If anyone asks, just say he's my illegitimate child.
With my outstanding appearance, no one will doubt it,” replied Ling Shu.

Yue Dingtang smirked, wanting to say something to diminish Ling Shu's arrogance, but decided against it. 

He didn't see the need to argue with this uncouth fellow.

After dinner, Yue Dingtang had the driver take them to the school. 

Ling Shu had nothing else to do, so he tagged along for the ride.
A lazy bum like him would rather spend an afternoon at school with Yue Dingtang and hitch a ride home than walk all the way back. 

However, as soon as they arrived at school, Yue Dingtang received a letter from the postman.
It was sent from Northeast China and addressed to Guan Shi in Fengtian. 

Ling Shu only glanced at the few words on the envelope before making an excuse to go for a walk.
He met some beautiful female students and chatted with them for a while, even sat in on a few classes, until it was almost dark before he strolled back. 

The school office was an open space shared by several professors in the department, unlike the police station where Ling Shu had his own desk. 

With his silver tongue, Ling Shu could easily get along with anyone if he wanted to. 

However, he didn't enjoy listening to those professors who had returned from studying abroad in Europe and America, constantly advocating for the establishment of a constitutional system in the Western style and completely rejecting all local products. 

Therefore, he didn't feel like joining in the fun at Yue Dingtang's office.

Those people were polite to Yue Dingtang, but they didn't necessarily hold him in high regard.

Yue Dingtang had almost finished writing his paper and had no intention of working overtime.
When he saw Ling Shu return, he tidied up his papers and put them all in the drawer.

“Let's go, come to my house for dinner tonight.”

He rarely took the initiative to invite Ling Shu to his house for a meal, which made Ling Shu a little surprised.

“Aren't you going to write for a while longer?”

Yue Dingtang replied, “No, let's go back first.”

Ling Shu had a feeling that Yue Dingtang's behavior was related to the letter he had received earlier, but Yue Dingtang didn't say anything and he didn't ask. 

Although he was curious, he never went looking for trouble without reason.

Sure enough, when Ling Shu returned to the Yue Manor, he saw Yue Dingtang busy upstairs, making several phone calls in a row.
He didn't even come downstairs for dinner, and the old housekeeper had to urge him repeatedly before the food was brought up to him.

It wasn't until Ling Shu finished his meal and was ready to have the driver take him back that Yue Dingtang came down from upstairs.

“Don't leave yet,” Yue Dingtang said.
“I'm planning to go to the northeast.
I'll be leaving tomorrow.”

“What happened?” Ling Shu asked.

“My uncle passed away,” Yue Dingtang replied.

“Uncle Guan?”

Yue Dingtang nodded.

Yue Dingtang's mother's surname was Guan, but she was not Han Chinese, but Manchu.
The Guan family was one of the Eight Great Clans of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and had produced many founding fathers, prime ministers, and imperial concubines. 

However, times change and even the most prosperous families can fall.
After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, revolutionaries rose to power by opposing the Qing. 

To hide their identities or make things easier, many elderly and young people changed their surnames, including the Guan family.

Since the changing times, the Guan family moved from Beijing to Tianjin, and then back to their hometown of Fengtian.
They settled there and Yue Dingtang's mother passed away early on. 

He lost contact with his extended family soon after and occasional letters were exchanged with gifts of local products. 

However, even these occasional communications eventually ceased. 

When Yue Dingtang's mother passed away, no one from Fengtian came to pay their respects. 

Instead, they sent a message saying that the old master of the Guan family was also on his deathbed and too weak to attend the funeral.
They asked the Yue family to handle it themselves. 

Now the Guan family has sent a letter, saying that the maternal uncle of Yue Dingtang's mother has passed away and asking the Yue family to send someone to offer condolences.

“So, it seems that the relationship between the Yue family and the Guan family is not very good?” Ling Shu concluded after hearing this.

Yue Dingtang said, “It has never been good.
Originally, the Guan family had arranged a marriage for my late mother with a member of the former Qing imperial family, but my mother was not happy and broke off the engagement herself.
She then married my father, which caused a rift between the Yue and Guan families for a while.”

Ling Shu praised, “Your late mother was truly a heroine among women, a pioneer of women's liberation!”

Yue Dingtang gave him a sideways glance and continued, “After that, the relationship between the two families became cold, which is understandable.
This time, the deceased uncle was the oldest elder of the Guan family in Fengtian and also the ancestor of the Guan family.
It is said that it was his decision to move the Guan family to Fengtian.” 

Ling Shu bowed and said, “I understand.
You will represent the Yue family to pay your respects tomorrow.
I wish you a safe journey, smooth sailing, and success in all your endeavors.
May you rise to great heights and have a blessed life with your loved ones.
It's getting late, so I won't bother you any longer.

He said it all in one breath and got up to leave.

“Come with me,” Yue Dingtang said from behind him.

Ling Shu stopped and turned around, looking distressed.

“Please don't ask me to.
It's a long journey, taking several days and nights on a train.
Besides, it's still Japanese territory over there, and I feel uncomfortable speaking and acting there.
Moreover, as you can see, I'm frail and could be blown away by a gust of wind.
It's not suitable for me to travel long distances.” 

Yue Dingtang said, “The Guan family is a big business with a lot of wealth.
According to my father, when they give rewards to their servants, they don't use copper coins, but instead use gold and silver leaves.
Each room has a small kitchen, and there are seven or eight dishes for every meal, plus a chef who used to work in the imperial kitchen…”

Ling Shu put on a smile and took a few steps forward.

“Oh, where would you like to go? Just give the order and I'll follow you wherever you go!”

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