21st Century Archmage

Chapter 6: True Wealth

“What is the area between the two curves y=x^2-3x and y=-x^2+x?”

‘8/3. Huh? Since when has integration of multiple polynomials been this easy? As befitting of the nations top high school, the first years had to learn second year math, in class. Math wasnt hard for me in the first place, but now the formulas were drawn out lickety-split in my mind, and I was able to reach the answer in 1 second.Was I always this smart?

No matter how much of a genius I was, I shouldnt be able to solve an integration of multiple polynomials question in 1 second.

‘What in the world is inside my mind?

It wasnt just math. During English class, which was taught in English, and in physics, which went considerably into specifics, I was made to discover and be surprised by my own intelligence. I was able to tell that the English teachers drawling accent wasnt the way American white people spoke, but the characteristic accent of black people, and I even discovered some enormous errors in the formulas of my physics textbook.

Then, math had followed the English and physics classes. Unlike the kids who were moving their pens to studiously solve the problem, I had come to the answer in 1 second through mental arithmetic. After solving it, my eyes settled on the teacher who was lovingly gazing at the kids who were solving the problem.

‘What a pretty teacher. Huhuhu.

Wasnt it said that forbidden love with a beautiful female teacher was among the romantic fantasies of a man?Lee Ji-hae; the math teacher possessed the best looks in the school— no, her beauty was on the level of the top celebrities in the nation. Her outfit, a sky-blue blouse over the pencil skirt she liked to wear, refreshed those who saw her. Moreover, her slim fingers holding a piece of chalk and her raised white collar matched all too well with her intelligent face.

‘Kyaa, if only I were just 3 years older.

If I had been at least a college student, Ms. Lee Ji-hae would have been well worth trying for with my life on the line.

“Hyuk, is the pace okay?”

While I was enjoying some hazy imaginations as I stared at my teacher, Ms. Lee Ji-hae had gotten right in front of me and worriedly asked me a question.

“Of course! Listening to your thoughtful lesson makes every problem no problem at all. Haha!”

“Hoho! There was a rumor that you had a hard time during the school excursion, but I see that was all a lie.”

Gleaming white teeth were revealed the moment she flashed a smile. The instant she approached, the beguiling fragrance of a woman ignited a fire in my spirit.

“There is a famous saying that the young invite hardship, after all. The recent Europe trip was a fruitful experience that gave me many lessons and gifts.”

“Lessons and gifts? Thats right, theres something to learn even in times of hardship. Our Hyuk grew a lot while he was away, didnt he.”

At the happiness of having found a student to be proud of, Ms. Lee Ji-hae brushed my hair with her slender hands. I thought that if I were to make an appearance onTV is the Vehicle of Love later in my life, I would definitely seek Ms. Lee Ji-hae.

[T/N: Thats an actual Korean show that ran from 1993 to 2010 (theres no official translation for the name). One of the programs was to find someone who was important to you in your past and share your feelings.]

‘But that little shit, why is he glaring so much?

While I was enjoying Ms. Lee Ji-haes soul-calming warm hand, Hwang Sung-taek and his cronies were glowering at me as if something didnt sit well with them.

‘I oughta trash the brats with Magic Arrow!

But now wasnt the time. A little later, after I reached the 3rd Circle, I would give them a hot rated R experience that they wouldnt forget for the rest of their lives!Riiiiiiiiiiinngg!

‘Its already over.

With the noisy ringing of the 4th period ending bell, Ms. Lee Ji-hae returned to her lectern.

“Stand! Bow!”

“Thank you very much.”

“Alright, have a good lunch.”

Leaving behind a loving smile at the very end, the teacher left the room hugging the attendance log and her teaching materials with her delicate arms. My regrettable crush ended with that.

“Joong Hyun, lets go!”


As always, we left the classroom in a hurry. It was the cafeteria of Daehan, a high school with the best facilities, but being late would only leave us standing in line.

‘What was the spell for Haste magic, again?

I thought of Haste magic while running towards the cafeteria, and with the thought, the magic incantation naturally came to mind.

‘Mana! I have to hurry and expand my circle!

Because of the squirming magic knowledge in my head, the still insufficient circle and mana felt like enemies to me.

* * *

“Father, Mother, are you not going on a vacation abroad this year?”

“A vacation? I want to go, but… the stock values are turbulent these days, you see.”

“Its such a shame. Why is the stock market like this when Im on sabbatical, really.”

As I ate my moms spicy and refreshing kimchi stew, I lightly brought up the topic of an overseas vacation.

‘Ill be able to train magic without worries only if my parents are away.

I was in a hurry due to the countless pieces of magic knowledge that popped out pell-mell in my mind. But because of my parents, who frequently opened my door unannounced, coming in to check for wholesome computer use, I couldnt do any magic training.

“Honey, please quit being a fund manager now. Youve earned enough up till now, and I also have a stable income. So please stop the headache-inducing work and try finding another job.”

My mother was as sharp as a knife to her son, but to my father, she was an incredibly kind wife and friend.

“I want to, but… we still have to send Hyuk to college, and…”

“F-father! Haha! Your Kilimanjaro panther has grown up already. Please stop worrying about me and enjoy your life together. Theres a saying like this— you who worked hard to raise your child, enjoy your middle years~!”

“Then shall we do that? After looking at only graphs for a year, my body and mind are getting tired.”

My father liked to eat and play as much as I did. Our combined encouragement roused his interest.

“Then where shall we go for a vacation this time? Since we traveled around the Americas last year…”

Ever the one to follow her husbands wishes, as soon as my fathers words dropped from his mouth, Mother was frighteningly quick to start planning the vacation.

‘Nai~su! A cheer burst out inside of me. Now, I had to hammer in the nail.

“How about a 6 week cruise? I heard that a luxury 7-star cruise ship touring the entire world, including Europe and Africa, is docking in Busan Harbor soon. Since youre going on a vacation, you might as well make it a memory you wont ever forget. Especially because Father and Mother have maintained the youth and love of 20 year old newly weds, this son of yours is actively recommending this cruise.”

If I was going to send them off, then it was best to send them far away, and on an extensive cruise they couldnt just come back from whenever they wanted, at that.

“Oh! Now that you bring it up, going on a cruise is an option, isnt it?” For now, Mother made a expression of agreement.

“B-but I heard that the cost per person exceeds several thousand dollars… isnt that too excessive for us?” He was tempted, but because he was aging, the poor, middle-aged head of the lion pride couldnt help but worry.

“Please go! This son of yours will make it happen!”

“What? You will, Hyuk?”

As soon as I said it, my parents were extremely surprised.

They didnt know. That the only unlimited withdrawal card in the world was in the hands of their son, a man as wealthy as an emperor.

“Here are the tickets. Ive arranged for a suite in your names. There, youll be able to see the broad ocean any time you want. The departure date is Saturday of next week.”

I pushed the envelope holding the gilded tickets towards them.


Having overcome their confusion, my parents were looking at me with serious expressions on their faces.

“Hyuk…” My father said my name quietly.

‘I hope it goes over well. My fathers low voice was worrisome. It was reasonable, to be honest. What kind of parent would nonchalantly accept vacation tickets that cost thousands, no, ten thousand dollars, from their fledgling son?I gulped nervously. If they asked me to be honest about where I had gotten the money, then I wouldnt have anything to say. How could I say that I had become the disciple of a crazy Mage; Bumdalf, whod come here via dimensional travel, and that I had been gifted with an immense fortune?But my fathers next words dispelled my worries.

“You dont have any pocket money for us?”


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