Lost in the Vampire Kingdom

Lost in the Vampire Kingdom

Lost in the Vampire Kingdom

4 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update September 8, 2022

Lost in the Vampire Kingdom is The Benita_Bensplencreation,The novel is mainly aboutSlowly pieces of her memory came back to her. She remembered packing her luggages and running towards the bus only for the bus to drove off fast leaving her behind. Thinking it was some kind of prank they were pulling on her, she chuckled; picking up her luggages and run along chasing the bus and waving her hands in the air yet they didn stop.Thinking that she will be able to get another bus that will convey her to town before she picked transport to the airport so she decided to take the only track which she only remembered walking with few of her friends during their medical outreach and campaign here.She had walk miles following different routes thinking she had find her way only to end up inside a wood.Trying to find her way back to the camp lodge but she end up arriving at the same place inside the wood.She tried as much as possible to find her way out of the wood but it seems she is only rotating round a circle because she keep returning to the same place, no matter how she trie Read Novel


Lost in the Vampire Kingdom is The Benita_Bensplencreation,The novel is mainly aboutSlowly pieces of her memory came back to her. She remembered packing her luggages and running towards the bus only for the bus to drove off fast leaving her behind. Thinking it was some kind of prank they were pulling on her, she chuckled; picking up her luggages and run along chasing the bus and waving her hands in the air yet they didn stop.Thinking that she will be able to get another bus that will convey her to town before she picked transport to the airport so she decided to take the only track which she only remembered walking with few of her friends during their medical outreach and campaign here.She had walk miles following different routes thinking she had find her way only to end up inside a wood.Trying to find her way back to the camp lodge but she end up arriving at the same place inside the wood.She tried as much as possible to find her way out of the wood but it seems she is only rotating round a circle because she keep returning to the same place, no matter how she trie Read Novel

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